Using PRP Therapy To Restore Your Healthy Gums

While steps can be taken to prevent gum disease, and to eliminate concerns about gingivitis, periodontal disease can have a more serious effect on a person’s life. When advanced periodontal trouble affects you, the problem can result in damage to your periodontal tissues, and to the tissues that are responsible for supporting your teeth. In addition to removing damaged gum tissues through modern treatment, your Encinitias/San Diego, CA periodontist can provide platelet rich plasma therapy, or PRP therapy, to help restore healthy gum tissues. This treatment can help you manage the health of your gums, and protect you against the effects of an unchecked infection. (more…)

Enjoy The US Sand Sculpting Challenge Aug 31-Sept 2

From August 31 through September 2, San Diego will once again play host to the US Sand Sculpting Challenge And Dimensional Art Expo! Over the course of this three day event, you can enjoy one of the country’s most popular seaside festivals, which will invite talented sand sculptors and many other artists to show off their skills.This can be a great way to spend Labor Day weekend with your family, as you admire impressive art works, enjoy plenty of fun activities, and take in the beautiful San Diego coast. Our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice is proud to be connected to a community that hosts so many great events. We want to take a moment to remind you that our practice is ready to help you if you start to become concerned about your periodontal health, or if you have been struggling against periodontal disease. (more…)

Services We Can Offer To Deal With Periodontal Bacteria

Harmful bacteria that infiltrate your gum line can create big problems for your oral health, your smile, and even your general health! Periodontal disease results when bacteria gather under your gums, and create a harmful infection. If nothing is done about this problem, it can make other health issues harder to manage, and it can increase your problems for your heart health. Unresolved trouble with periodontal disease can also lead to tooth loss over time, as the tissues supporting your teeth are destroyed. At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, we can offer different treatment options that allow you to manage an infection, and protect yourself against its destructive effects. (more…)

Using Modern Treatment To Restore Receding Gums

While untreated issues with your gums can cause many worrying symptoms, the recession of your gum tissues can be one of the most visible, and one of the most frustrating. At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, we can provide a modern approach to addressing this problem. To reduce the amount of work required to restore your gum line, our office offers pinhole gum grafts. This approach relies on the Pinhole Surgical Technique, which eliminates surgical cuts and sutures from the process! This is one of many advanced treatment options that we make available to individuals who are trying to fight the harmful effects of periodontal disease. (more…)

Take Part In The Cabrillo Sunset 5K Event!

On Saturday, July 20, runners are welcomed at the Cabrillo Sunset 5K event! This special race is being held to help raise funds for programs connected to Cabrillo National Monument. You can join in the fun by signing up to run, or by simply checking out the event, and enjoying the local sights. This is an all-ages event that welcomes participants who want to walk, run, or even push a stroller. Running is a great activity for a health-conscious person. If you are someone who feels that their long-term health is important, you should know that periodontal disease can make it more difficult for you to stay healthy. At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, we can help you maintain your gums, and help you manage periodontal disease. (more…)

3 Behaviors That Can Raise Your Risk For Periodontal Trouble

Could you do a better job of protecting yourself against the effects of periodontal disease? The answer to this question is an important one, as an infection that affects your gums can create more problems for your well-being than you might expect. People who develop problems with their gum health are at risk for losing teeth, as bacteria can cause damage that leads to tooth loss. It can also become more difficult for you to manage your overall health due to interference from periodontal disease. If you want to make a serious effort to avoid problems with your oral and periodontal health, start looking for lifestyle changes that reduce your risks. If you think something is wrong, or if you want help preventing gum problems, make an appointment at our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice. (more…)

We Use Modern Treatments To Fight Periodontal Bacteria

How concerning is a case of periodontal disease? When you have gingivitis, the condition should be addressed, but you can be happy to know there is still time to reverse the condition, and restore your gums to good health. An advanced infection can be more difficult to deal with, and it can create serious problems for you. Periodontal disease can make it harder for you to manage your health if you have other conditions, and it can heighten your risk for losing teeth! At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, we provide modern treatments that can fight the bacteria causing your periodontal disease, and help you better manage your well-being. (more…)

Enjoy The 31st Annual Deep Pit BBQ And Americana Music Fest!

Encinitas families can look forward to plenty of tasty food and live music, as the 31st Annual Deep Pit BBQ And Americana Music Fest is almost here! On Saturday, July 13, you and your family can come out to The Heritage Ranch in Encinitas to enjoy live music on two stages, plenty of refreshments, and – of course – some delicious barbecue! You can also pick up vegan and vegetarian options when dinner is served. You might not realize it, but the condition of your gums can play a big part in your ability to enjoy your favorite foods over time. This is due to a particularly harmful effect of periodontal disease – without treatment, a person with infected gums is vulnerable to tooth loss. Our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice can help you manage your problems with your gums. (more…)

Fighting Periodontal Bacteria With Laser Treatment

Thanks to the use of lasers, our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice can offer a better experience to patients in need of care for periodontal disease. The LANAP protocol relies on lasers to carefully remove damaged and infected tissues from your gums. By performing this service with lasers instead of a scalpel, the recovery time is reduced, and your healthy gums can remain in good condition. The greater accuracy offered by laser treatment can be particularly beneficial when it comes to addressing bacteria-riddled areas near tissues that are supporting your teeth. Once bacteria are removed, your gums have the chance to heal, and rebuild healthy tissues. (more…)

We Can Make Your Periodontal Treatment More Comfortable

One reason people find themselves dealing with dental and periodontal problems, including advanced periodontal disease, is that discomfort keeps them away from proper treatment. Without regular dental exams and cleanings, oral bacteria can gather at your gum line, and create problems that become difficult to address. At our Encinitias/San Diego, CA dentist’s office, we can make sure that your needs are fully addressed when you have troubles with your periodontal health. Addressing these matters can help you keep your gum health in check, and lower your risk for problems like tooth loss. To help you manage your feelings of unease, we do provide different forms of dental sedation to make your treatment more pleasant. (more…)