Month: July 2015

FAQs About Treating Gum Disease

Gum disease affects over 64.7 million adults over the age of 30. Without treatment, the disease can increase the risk tooth loss in adults, hurting both their appearance and overall health. However, there are options for treating the disease in the early stages and managing it if the disease has progressed to later stages. Treating… Read more »

4 Benefits of Dental Implants

Many of us assume losing your teeth means few options for enjoying a whole and healthy smile again. However, there is a tooth replacement option that mimics the stability and appearance of natural teeth in ways dental bridges and dentures simply cannot. The benefits of dental implants include a lifelike esthetic and the ability to… Read more »

Why Do We Need Dental Cleanings?

How often do you see a dentist or periodontist for a thorough dental cleaning? Many people wonder why we need dental cleanings if we already brush and floss. However, routine maintenance from a dental professional is crucial for strengthening gums and avoiding the potential onset of periodontal disease.

What are Pinhole Gum Grafts?

Have you noticed your gums receding? Do they often appear red, feel sore, or even bleed when you brush or floss? These may be the common warning signs of periodontal disease, a serious dental issue that can eventually lead to adult tooth loss. With a gum grafting procedure, we can restore receding gums and improve… Read more »

Can Dental Implants Restore My Smile?

Adult tooth loss can be frightening and embarrassing, but it does not have to be final. In fact, there are a number of effective restoration options to help complete your smile. Dental bridges and dentures are popular choices, but dental implants are actually one of the most effective and most secure forms of restorative dentistry…. Read more »

Taking the Fear Out of Dental Treatment with Sedation

Many people struggle with dental anxiety, whether it is over an unfamiliar procedure or simply regular preventive care. It is okay to be nervous about visiting the dentist, but you should not let your fears stop you from seeking the treatment you need to maintain a lovely, healthy smile. Sedation dentistry can help to put… Read more »

5 Tips for Avoiding Gum Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control, half of all adults in the United States over the age of 30 experience the symptoms of gum disease. In addition to bad breath and bleeding, periodontal disease can progress and eventually lead to adult tooth loss. In order to protect the beauty and overall health of your… Read more »

Should I Consider Dental Implants?

Do you have one or more missing teeth? Do you wonder, “Should I consider dental implants?” Replacing a lost tooth can restore health, function, and beauty to your smile. Otherwise, you may continue to encounter problems eating or speaking. Fortunately, dental implants provide a secure and long lasting method of achieving a complete smile.

Do You Need Preventive Services?

Despite its widespread prevalence, you often avoid gum disease with the right preventive care. Do you need preventive services? Preventive treatments are minimally invasive and available at most dental practices. With the right treatment you can strengthen the overall health of your teeth and gums and potentially avoid the onset of periodontal disease.