Toothaches have many causes, from cavities and fractures to internal infections. Tooth sensitivity is a bit different from a toothache. Sensitive teeth cause pain when they are exposed to temperature fluctuations or pressure. In some cases, thin tooth enamel creates sensitivity. Sometimes harsh bleaching or significant enamel reduction (as in preparation for a veneer) result… Read more »
Month: October 2011
Periolase No-Cut, No-Sew Laser Gum Treatment
If you’re one of the nearly 80% of Americans who have gum disease, and the condition has gotten out of control, you may be advised to undergo periodontal surgery. Dr. Kania, a San Diego periodontist practicing in Encinitas, offers the innovative no-cut, no-sew procedure. The protocal is called LANAP (laser assisted new attachment procedure) with the Periolase…. Read more »
Dental Implants San Diego
Choosing whether to replace missing teeth with a dental bridge or a dental implant is a big decision. Cost, of course, is a concern, but also the actual procedure. What does it entail? How long is recovery? Will you be uncomfortable or have to be on a special diet after the procedure? How can you… Read more »
Dr. Ann Kania, Periodontist for North County, San Diego, Encinitas
As a periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania provides diagnosis of and treatment for gum disease, a condition that afflicts up to 80% of Americans. In addition, Dr. Kania specializes in placing and restoring dental implants for tooth replacement, as well as denture stabilization. Cosmetic dental surgery, laser periodontal therapy (LANAP), tooth extractions and bone augmentation are just a… Read more »