Category: Nutrition

How Better Hygiene Helps Your Gums

Encinitas oral hygiene

When we take good care of our smiles from home, we can help protect ourselves from issues like tooth decay, and even the threat of periodontal disease. Which is why we want to make sure you know how to properly brush and floss, and choose healthier snack options. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA,… Read more »

Good Nutrition For Healthy Gums

encinitas vitamin k

Keeping your gums healthy means preventing the onset of gingivitis and periodontal disease, so your smile stays whole and healthy. In addition to good oral hygiene habits, you should make sure you’re enjoying a healthy diet. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about the importance of adding vitamin K to your diet!

How Good Nutrition Protects Your Gums

encinitas nutrition

In our last blog, we discussed how proper brushing and flossing could limit the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease, keeping your smile whole and healthy. But good nutrition is also a vital part of good gum health. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about how we protect gums from poor health.

What Could You Eat to Improve Your Oral Health?

The food that you eat doesn’t just fuel your own body; it also fuels the oral bacteria that reside naturally in your mouth. The substances that many of the bacteria produce as a result of metabolizing nutrients are the main building blocks behind progressive issues like periodontal disease. However, not everything you eat is a… Read more »

Are Some Foods Better for Your Oral Health?

That fact that food affects your oral health should not come as a surprise. After all, food enters your body through your mouth. What is less-known, however, is how certain foods interact with your mouth, or what particular nutrients can dictate the status of your oral health. The truth is that your oral and periodontal… Read more »

Nutrition’s Role in Your Dental Health Maintenance

There are a number of factors that can influence your oral health and the effectiveness of your dental hygiene, most importantly the food and beverages that you consume. While most of us have been warned from early ages to refrain from candy, cookies, cakes, and other cavity-causing concoctions, some people may be surprised to learn… Read more »

How Teeth Feast on Thanksgiving

Many people worry about how the holiday feasts will affect their weight and clothes sizes. However, do you worry about how the dietary overindulgence will affect your dental health? The consequences of irresponsible eating might not be as obvious in your teeth as it can be in your midsection, but they can still be a… Read more »

Does Drinking Green Tea Promote a Healthier Smile?

Of all the things you could do to help boost your oral health, you might not realize that drinking green tea could be one of them. In fact, the many health benefits of green tea have long been touted, even before they were fully and scientifically understood. In the case of your teeth and gums,… Read more »

Diet And Dental Health

Diet and dental health go hand in hand. If you don’t eat nutritious foods your dentition won’t remain healthy. Without healthy dentition, you won’t be able to consume nutritious foods. You need a healthy bite and strong teeth to chew high protein foods, such as meat, greens, and beans. If you have sore gums, loose… Read more »

Dr. Kania Explains How Summer Sunshine Can Improve Your Oral Health

The warm feel of the bright sun caressing your skin can rejuvenate many people, bringing with it thoughts of beautiful summer skies and fun activities. The smile that often comes naturally at this feeling may also benefit from the sun’s summer presence, since your body reacts to moderate sun exposure by producing vitamin D (often… Read more »