When you begin to exhibit the earliest warning signs of trouble, or if you have high risk factors for periodontal disease, then we may offer a unique preventive solution. With Perio Protect, we use trays and a special medication to help strengthen your gums. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about our preventive actions.
Protecting Smiles With LANAP
When you suffer from a more advanced case of periodontal disease, you need care to avoid tooth loss and painful symptoms. To offer treatment with precision and accuracy, we could offer LANAP (laser-assisted new attachment procedure) to safeguard your gum health. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about the LANAP treatment.
Holistic Treatments For Periodontal Disease
Our team offers care to help smiles stray free of periodontal disease, or to manage the disease to avoid complications like tooth loss. When possible, we take a preventive and holistic approach. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about our holistic treatments for periodontal disease.
Fighting Gum Disease With Ozone Therapy
In our last blog, we conducted a brief overview of our preventive treatments, which we use to avoid the onset of gum disease, or manage it in the early stages. In today’s blog, we’re going to focus on one preventive procedure in particular. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about Ozone Therapy. With this unique preventive procedure, our team can help manage your periodontal concerns and protect your smile from major complications, including the loss of your teeth!
Preventive Actions Offer Better Gum Health
Periodontal health refers to your gums, which frame your smile and support your teeth. With preventive action, we could help you avoid the onset of periodontal disease, so you enjoy a complete and healthy smile. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about preventive actions for improved periodontal health.
Starting Treatment With Diagnostic Imaging
When you develop symptoms of periodontal disease, then you need to seek treatment to avoid complications that could include adult tooth loss. To diagnose the issue and ensure treatment with precision, you need a diagnosis. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about our diagnostic imaging!
How We Protect Your Periodontal Health
Maintaining good periodontal health is essential for keeping your smile healthy and whole, and for avoiding painful symptoms. Our team understands how to prevent and manage gum disease, so you enjoy a full smile. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about protecting your periodontal health.
How Does Tobacco Impact Your Gum Health?
Do you smoke cigarettes, vape, or use smokeless tobacco products? If so, this could not only lead to a higher risk of cancer, but also lead to more severe stages of gum disease, including the one linked to tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about how smoking impacts your smile.
How Good Oral Hygiene Prevents Periodontal Disease
Our team offers a variety of treatments to prevent and manage periodontal disease, protecting your smile from discomfort and avoiding complications like tooth loss. But you can also help safeguard your smile with better oral hygiene habits. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about how to boost your oral hygiene!
What Do You Know About Periodontal Disease?
Our team offers treatment to prevent and then manage periodontal disease, which protects your smile from tooth loss and discomfort. The disease impacts the smiles of over 50% of adults aged 30 and older. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about the facts behind the disease and why you may need periodontal treatment.