When you experience problems with gum line recession, you can have both cosmetic concerns and trouble with physical discomfort. Unfortunately,…
If your general dentist expresses concerns about your periodontal health, you can benefit from a second opinion with a specialist…
Every time you brush and floss your teeth, you have the opportunity to protect your gums against an infection. Thorough…
When you think about the actions that affect your oral health, you can find that stopping certain behaviors can have…
There are more severe consequences to not treating gum disease properly than you might anticipate. In time, an infection can…
It can be alarming to hear that your gums are not healthy. With that said, when you receive a diagnosis…
As you care for your smile, how much time and attention do you give your gums? What can you do…
While there are microbes that are part of a healthy mouth's natural ecosystem, the accumulation of unwelcome bacteria can occur.…
While you may find yourself adjusting to biting, chewing, and speaking in ways that feel natural after losing a tooth,…
Are you really doing enough to maintain your overall well-being? When you think about actions that benefit your general health,…