Encinitas Periodontist Discusses Dental Phobias and Anxiety Disorders

12 years ago

Did you know that May is Mental Health Month? Your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania raises awareness for mental health…

Types of Periodontal Disease Explained by Your San Diego Periodontist

12 years ago

Have you ever wondered why gum disease is such a threat to your oral health? Did you know that there…

Your Encinitas Periodontist Discusses Oral Hygiene Methods Throughout History

12 years ago

Have you ever wondered how people in ancient times cleaned their teeth? You might think that people in primitive civilizations…

Are Dental X-rays Safe? Your Encinitas Periodontist Explains

12 years ago

Have you ever wondered if dental X-rays are safe? Are you concerned about exposure to unnecessary radiation? The truth is…

San Diego Periodontist Discusses Oral Cancer

12 years ago

Did you know that April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month? Dr. Ann Kania along with the American Dental Association use…

Causes of Tooth Loss Explained by Your Encinitas Periodontist

12 years ago

Unlike childhood, where losing a tooth was almost like a rite of passage, losing teeth in adulthood is hardly something…

Encinitas Periodontist Discusses Bad Habits that Affect Oral Health

12 years ago

Some habits that seem innocent are actually very harmful to your oral health. We often find that patients are surprised…

Dental Laser Treatment Explained by Your Encinitas Periodontist

13 years ago

Dental lasers have many applications for treating oral conditions. Dr. Ann Kania is a Board Certified Periodontist and also holds…

Whoopi Goldberg: Gum Disease Advocate

13 years ago

Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of the daytime talk show The View, openly discussed her struggle with gum disease with her audience…

Gum Disease Myths Dispelled by Your Encinitas Periodontist

13 years ago

Dr. Ann Kania is a board-certified periodontist with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating gum disease. Advanced gum disease manifestsĀ as…