Are Some Foods Better for Your Oral Health?

That fact that food affects your oral health should not come as a surprise. After all, food enters your body through your mouth. What is less-known, however, is how certain foods interact with your mouth, or what particular nutrients can dictate the status of your oral health. The truth is that your oral and periodontal structures require a healthy flow of essential minerals and nutrients just as the rest of your body’s systems. Below, we explore a few minerals and nutrients that are particularly important to your continued good oral health

Nutrients Your Smile Needs

  • Iron—One of the main purposes of the mineral iron is to transport oxygen throughout your body, as well as help maintain the proper function of healthy cells. If you do not have enough iron, you may experience sores around and inside your mouth, or inflammation of the tongue. Fortunately, iron can be found in many common food sources, including red meat, bran cereal, nuts, and some spices.
  • Calcium—The reason milk does a body good is, in part, because of its calcium content. Calcium promotes the strength and growth of your bones, and can also help fortify your oral health. The enamel that covers and protects your teeth is comprised largely of calcium (as well as phosphate and other minerals). The mineral is also vital to keeping your jawbone and periodontal tissues strong and healthy.
  • Vitamin D—If for no other reason, vitamin D is important to your oral health because it helps your body absorb calcium (which our bodies do not naturally produce). Vitamin D can be found in many of the same food sources as calcium, including milk, eggs, and fish.

Keep Up with Your Good Oral and Overall Health

In addition to being necessary for good overall health, a well-balanced diet can also do wonders for your oral and periodontal health. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kania by calling her periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.