Category: Laser Dentistry

Scheduling Pinhole Gum Grafting Treatment

When you experience problems with gum line recession, you can have both cosmetic concerns and trouble with physical discomfort. Unfortunately, when periodontal tissues recede, they can reveal portions of our teeth that lack the natural protection afforded to the portions that are normally uncovered. This can lead to more vulnerability to oral health problems, and… Read more »

Can Lasers Really Improve Periodontal Treatment?

If you want to lower your risk for tooth loss, make sure your gums are being properly maintained. The biggest threat to your complete smile is poor periodontal health, which can lead to problems with tissue damage and attachment loss that will result in tooth loss. Problems with your gums can affect you in other… Read more »

How Lasers Help Fight Periodontal Problems

If you have problems with periodontal disease, you can face more threats to your overall well-being than you realize. The bacteria that are present below your gum line can damage tissues and cause tooth loss. These microbes can also create problems elsewhere in your body when they travel through your bloodstream. At our Encinitas/San Diego,… Read more »

Using Laser Treatment To Fight Gum Disease

What kind of care should you seek out when you are dealing with gum disease? The severity of your infection will change over time. The first stage, gingivitis, is still reversible, which means that the right response can completely stop the issue and return your periodontal tissues to good health. However, when you have difficulties… Read more »

Carefully Removing Bacteria And Diseased Gums

If you have unresolved issues with periodontal disease, the impact it has on your health can go beyond your mouth. Problems with bacteria that gather and move through your bloodstream can affect other areas, affecting your risk for heart disease and other issues. You can also have a more difficult time managing any other conditions… Read more »

Using Lasers To Fight Advanced Gum Disease

When you brush and floss, you can protect yourself against periodontal problems, and you can even fight the bacteria that are responsible for gingivitis. However, it is more difficult for you to effectively fight problems with your gums when you struggle with periodontal disease. When an advanced infection becomes a concern, the support of a… Read more »

How Lasers Affect Gum Grafting Treatment

If your gums look as though they are receding, or if recession of these tissues is something that your dentist has warned you about, you can have an interest in treatment options. As you look into the benefits of undergoing a procedure to restore your gum line, you can find that some approaches sound more… Read more »

Safely Taking Care Of Periodontal Bacteria

Periodontal bacteria cause problems with your health that should not be disregarded or ignored. In time, an infection can make it difficult for you to prevent tooth loss, as worsening damage to the tissues that support teeth will occur. These bacteria can also cause issues in other areas of your body over time, making an… Read more »

Restoring A Receding Gum Line

While poor periodontal health is not always the reason someone’s gum line starts to recede, it is often responsible. Even if your tissues moved because of aggressive brushing, teeth grinding, or another factor, you should be aware that this problem makes you more likely to have issues with gum disease in the future. At our… Read more »

Gum Grafts Can Improve Smiles

When periodontal disease becomes an issue, it can cause health difficulties as well as cosmetic concerns. As you work to maintain your gum health, you can notice an unwelcome physical change in the form of a receding gum line. This problem leads to problems with smile asymmetry, and it can make certain teeth look awkwardly… Read more »