How Do You Fight Bad Breath?


Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing problem that hinders your ability to comfortably interact with others. How do you fight bad breath? With good oral hygiene you not only maintain beautiful teeth, but you can enjoy fresher breath as well. Find out how something as simple as brushing and flossing can aid in the fight against halitosis.


FAQs: Why Do We Need Dental Cleanings?


When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? Why do we need dental cleanings? What may seem like a minor procedure can actually protect your smile from periodontal disease. If you haven’t had your teeth cleaned recently, you should consider scheduling a visit with a dental professional right away. This simple preventive procedure can strengthen the health and beauty of your smile.


The Link Between Gum Disease and Tooth Loss


Periodontal disease is a widespread and common dental health problem. What begins as a minor dental issue can soon develop into gum disease (periodontitis). Without treatment, many patients can develop adult tooth loss. Fortunately, there are options available to address dental disease and restore missing teeth.


How Teeth Feast on Thanksgiving

teeth and thanksgivingMany people worry about how the holiday feasts will affect their weight and clothes sizes. However, do you worry about how the dietary overindulgence will affect your dental health? The consequences of irresponsible eating might not be as obvious in your teeth as it can be in your midsection, but they can still be a serious concern. The good news is that, with a little care in how you feast this Thanksgiving, you can actually help your teeth remain healthy, rather than placing them at risk. (more…)

Does Drinking Green Tea Promote a Healthier Smile?

green teaOf all the things you could do to help boost your oral health, you might not realize that drinking green tea could be one of them. In fact, the many health benefits of green tea have long been touted, even before they were fully and scientifically understood. In the case of your teeth and gums, experts have found that because of the substances it contains, green tea can help promote a healthier smile by combating the mechanisms behind most oral health issues, including periodontal disease. (more…)

3 Reasons Why Dental Implants are a Better Choice

pondering why dental implants are betterWhen you’ve lost a tooth, or several teeth, your smile loses a vital part of its anatomy. While there are many options for replacing lost teeth, dental implants are the only choice that addresses the loss on a biological level. As a periodontist/Doctor of Medical Sciences, with world-class training from UCSF and Harvard, one of Dr. Ann Kania’s specialties is preserving patients’ oral structures through the placement of dental implants. Made from biologically compatible titanium, the reason why dental implants are typically a better choice for tooth replacement is because they become a permanent part of your jawbone’s anatomy, much like your natural teeth roots. (more…)

Answers About Tooth Loss and Dental Implants

older woman with questionsLosing teeth is a problem that many people face, or will face, and that has longer-lasting consequences than you might realize. In addition to the visual effects, tooth loss leaves a void in your oral structures that influences how the rest of your teeth work. However, since these effects can take years before they become apparent, we help you understand them now so you can take steps to preserve your smile, either by preventing tooth loss, or by replacing lost teeth with one or more dental implants.   (more…)

Are Toothaches a Symptom of Periodontal Disease?

woman in a sweater with a toothacheSeveral things can warn you of impending periodontal disease. If your gums are red or swollen, or appear darker in some areas than normal, you might have cause to worry. The more periodontal disease progresses, the more symptoms you’ll exhibit, and in time, it may even cause your teeth to ache (even though it doesn’t directly affect your tooth structure). Unlike a cavity, however, which might exhibit tooth sensitivity as one its earliest symptoms, toothaches related to periodontal disease typically mean that the condition has advanced beyond its initial stages. (more…)