Treating gum disease is a highly personalized process. Not only are your gums unique to your smile, but so are the nature, extent, and location of your gum disease. Because treating the disease involves targeting it precisely (as well as the oral bacteria causing it), your treatment will have to be tailored to you, specifically. For many patients in Encinitas/San Diego, the addition of advanced lasers helps improve their periodontal treatment in a number of different ways, including offering improved results and a significantly more comfortable and precise process. (more…)
Do Dental Implants Really Last for Life?
Your teeth are meant to last for life, even though there are many different things that could eventually lead to tooth loss if not addressed properly (like gum disease). Therefore, the best way to replace your lost teeth is with a prosthesis that also lasts for life, or as close to it as possible. For patients in Encinitas/Sand Diego, dental implants are often the best option. Implanted into your jawbone to replace your lost teeth roots, dental implant posts are biocompatible, meaning your jawbone will fuse to them as it heals following implant placement. With proper care and maintenance, the prosthetic teeth roots can last for life, giving your crown, bridge, or denture the support to last significantly longer than it would without it. (more…)
A Few Signs that It’s Time to Visit Your Periodontist
When you stick to a consistent schedule of preventive dental health visits, your dentist can usually spot signs of trouble early, including periodontal (gum) disease. However, you don’t always need to wait until your dental visit to know that you might be experiencing the early stages of gum disease. For patients in the Encinitas/San Diego community, knowing what signs to look for and what to do when they spot them can be an important tool in successfully preventing or treating gum disease. (more…)
What Everyone Should Know About Periodontal Disease
Like most chronic dental diseases, periodontal disease isn’t inevitable. Despite the fact that it affects nearly 80% of adults to some degree, the condition commonly known as gum disease is highly preventable under the right circumstances. Those circumstances include consistently good hygiene, regular preventive dental care, and when necessary, the help of a periodontal expert. For patients in Encinitas/San Diego, the key to preventing or managing periodontal disease is often knowing as much as possible about the disease and how it affects their smiles. (more…)
A Few Questions About Dental Implants
Dental implants have long been recognized by dental health professionals as the most comprehensive solution to replacing tooth loss. That’s because they not only restore your smile’s appearance, but also the unseen but vitally important of your lost teeth roots. For patients in Encinitas/San Diego, addressing tooth loss with dental implants helps them enjoy healthier, fuller, and more beautiful smile for longer. However, the benefits also include stronger and more youthful jawbone structure as well as a reduced risk of losing more teeth later. (more…)
How to Brush and Floss with Gum Disease in Mind
It’s no secret that brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once every day are the cornerstones of preventing most common dental diseases. Yet, even patients who diligently stick to that routine may find themselves faced with a developing issue, such as gum disease, and the need to address it. The reason is often because of inconsistency. It only takes skipping one session with your toothbrush for harmful oral bacteria to build a presence on your teeth. For patients in Encinitas/San Diego, gum disease can also occur because they don’t realize how to brush and floss with the goal of preventing it in mind. (more…)
Is Periodontal Disease Really Preventable?
Maintaining a healthy smile is typically simple with a good dental hygiene and preventive dental care routine. Yet, sometimes, that maintenance requires addressing specific concerns, such as periodontal (gum) disease, before they’re allowed to cause significant damage to your teeth and oral tissues. Such issues occur commonly – periodontal disease alone affects over 80% of adults in the U.S. – but they don’t always have to. In fact, despite the frequent occurrence of gum disease, many patients in Encinitas/San Diego, successfully prevent it from developing with help from their dentists and periodontal experts. (more…)
Important Facts About Gum Recession
Your gums are the soft periodontal tissues that cover your dental ridges and help protect the roots of your teeth. They also play an important role in your smile’s appearance, which is why paying close attention to them could help you detect when something is wrong with your periodontal health. For example, patients in Encinitas/San Diego who exhibit signs of gum recession, or the separation of periodontal tissues from teeth, are often at risk of experiencing severe periodontal disease if they don’t seek treatment in time. Fortunately, expert treatment can help you address gum recession and allow the tissues to heal to protect your long-term periodontal health. (more…)
Things You Might Not Know About Tooth Loss
Many patients have lost teeth or will in the future, and because it can affect virtually anyone, tooth loss is often thought to be inevitable. The truth, though, is that it doesn’t have to be, and the fact that you have a good chance of preventing tooth loss isn’t the only thing that’s often misunderstood about it. For patients throughout the Encinitas/San Diego community, preventing or dealing with tooth loss is often simpler than expected, especially with the right care and maintenance from your oral or periodontal health expert. (more…)
A Few Holistic Ways to Improve Your Periodontal Health
Periodontal disease occurs in several different stages ranging from minor (gingivitis) to severe (periodontitis). Yet, the disease typically develops the same way – harmful oral bacteria overwhelm your gums, working their way underneath them and infecting the tissues. The level of damage the disease causes depends on the stage that it’s in when it’s treated, and the extent of treatment depends on how severe your periodontal disease is. For many patients in Encinitas/San Diego, that treatment can be more natural and minimally invasive thanks to the help of advanced, holistic periodontal treatment options. (more…)