Category: Gum Recession

Arranging Pinhole Gum Grafting Treatment

There are many consequences to gum disease, including serious complications that affect your oral and general health. While not all of these issues affect your appearance, some can have a negative impact on your smile. Gum line recession is often associated with poor periodontal health. Unfortunately, even if your tissues recede due to another issue,… Read more »

When Your Gum Line Recedes

If your gum line is receding, you can find it hard to feel great about how you look when you smile. This is because a problem with your periodontal tissues can affect the way you look by making teeth seem too long, and by making your smile uneven. Unfortunately, this is not just something that… Read more »

Information On Pinhole Gum Grafting

The effects of gum disease are not to be taken lightly. They can interfere with your overall well-being in addition to your oral health. Problems with unhealthy periodontal tissues can also impact your appearance in ways that are hard to hide. At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, we can work with you to manage… Read more »

How Lasers Affect Gum Grafting Treatment

If your gums look as though they are receding, or if recession of these tissues is something that your dentist has warned you about, you can have an interest in treatment options. As you look into the benefits of undergoing a procedure to restore your gum line, you can find that some approaches sound more… Read more »

How Gum Line Recession Hurts Your Smile

If you do not respond to the early signs of gum disease, your infection can cause more trouble than you may expect. There are some serious consequences, including tooth loss and difficulty managing your general health, that you should know about. While gum line recession is less serious than these issues, it can have a… Read more »

Restoring A Receding Gum Line

While poor periodontal health is not always the reason someone’s gum line starts to recede, it is often responsible. Even if your tissues moved because of aggressive brushing, teeth grinding, or another factor, you should be aware that this problem makes you more likely to have issues with gum disease in the future. At our… Read more »

Gum Grafts Can Improve Smiles

When periodontal disease becomes an issue, it can cause health difficulties as well as cosmetic concerns. As you work to maintain your gum health, you can notice an unwelcome physical change in the form of a receding gum line. This problem leads to problems with smile asymmetry, and it can make certain teeth look awkwardly… Read more »

How Gum Disease Hurts Your Appearance

By taking care of your smile, you can prevent embarrassing and frustrating cosmetic issues that can be difficult to hide. When you think about the potential threats to your appearance, you should consider periodontal problems a source of concern. When your gums are in poor condition, they can show signs of poor health that make… Read more »

What Can I Do To Address Gum Line Recession?

There are several signs of poor gum health that you can identify. Some problems with gingivitis lead to temporary concerns that you can address by treating your infection. For example, you can address problems with gums that bleed easily by fighting gingivitis; treatment for this problem can also help if you have tissues that appear… Read more »

Can My Periodontist Restore My Receding Gum Line?

Several unwelcome developments can occur after you develop a problem with periodontal disease. One of those issues is gum line recession, a change in the position of your gums that can hurt your smile and lead to difficult issues with dental sensitivity. In addition to helping you control or prevent problems with periodontal disease, our… Read more »