An important part of your routine dental checkup involves inspecting more than just your teeth and gums, but also your entire oral cavity for signs of trouble. Many of the most destructive systemic illnesses can exhibit early signs in the form of lesions, ulcers, and other oral abnormalities, including oral cancer. Though not as well-known or widely-discusses as other cancers, such as those of the breast and lung, oral cancer still affects a large portion of the U.S. population, and often possesses a less-than-stellar survival rate. Your San Diego periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, helps shed light on the dangers of oral cancer, and explains how to increase your chances of avoiding it with regular oral cancer screenings and periodic self-examinations.
What You Should Know
- Oral cancer is a general term that encompasses cancers of the mouth, tongue, tonsils, and throat, along with other oral tissues. Of all cancers in the head and neck category, oral cancer is the most prevalent. (more…)