How your gums look can significantly impact your smile’s appearance. For instance, a gummy smile (excessive, uneven periodontal tissue) can make your teeth appear crooked even though they’re perfectly straight. Your periodontal tissue’s health, however, affects much more than appearance, and if it can’t effectively perform its duties, then your entire oral health is at risk. Today, your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, explains how a gum graft can provide afflicted gums with the support they require, and how you can help prevent damage or disease from compromising your periodontal tissue.
A Little Support for Your Gums
The soft, pink tissue that surrounds the bottom of your teeth actually serve to support and protect the roots of your teeth, which erupt from your jawbone. Unlike the crowns, or top portions, of your teeth, the roots aren’t protected by strong tooth enamel. Instead, your gums seal the roots from harmful bacteria and other irritants. Exposed roots are prone to decay and can be painful. Recessed gum indicates bone loss- which can lead to tooth loss! A gum graft is a surgical procedure that utilizes your own tissue, or tissue from another donor source, to restore this seal when it’s been compromised by gum recession or periodontal disease. (more…)