San Diego Dentist Explains Dental Implant Placement

dental implants

In our last blog, we discussed the benefits of smile restoration with dental implants. Across the country, more and more people are choosing implants to restore smiles suffering from tooth loss. Many of our patients have asked questions about the implant process: How are dental implants placed? How long does the process take? In today’s blog, your San Diego dentist, Dr. Ann Kania, explains more about the process of placing innovative dental implants.


Encinitas Periodontist Outlines the Advantages of Dental Implants

confident smiling older womanSince their first clinical use in the 1950s, dental implants have revolutionized the concept of dental prostheses by finally providing a viable replacement for your lost teeth’s roots. Crafted from biocompatible titanium, dental implants are designed to facilitate osseointegration—the process of your jawbone fusing to the implant’s surface—to create a lifelike restoration that functions very much like a natural tooth root. Today, your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, outlines the benefits of supporting your dental prosthetic on one or more dental implants.  

Improved security

If you already wear a restorative dental appliance, such as a dental bridge or denture, then you may be familiar with conventional mechanisms of securing replacement teeth, such as hidden clasps and professional-strength dental adhesives. However, your healthy natural teeth owe much of their strength and durability to the sturdiness of their roots, which are embedded in your jawbone. Mimicking your teeth’s natural root-and-crown structure is the only way to emulate their strength, and can only be accomplished through the use of dental implants. (more…)

San Diego Periodontist Discusses Oral Cancer Facts & Detection

checking mouth with tongue depressorAn important part of your routine dental checkup involves inspecting more than just your teeth and gums, but also your entire oral cavity for signs of trouble. Many of the most destructive systemic illnesses can exhibit early signs in the form of lesions, ulcers, and other oral abnormalities, including oral cancer. Though not as well-known or widely-discusses as other cancers, such as those of the breast and lung, oral cancer still affects a large portion of the U.S. population, and often possesses a less-than-stellar survival rate. Your San Diego periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, helps shed light on the dangers of oral cancer, and explains how to increase your chances of avoiding it with regular oral cancer screenings and periodic self-examinations.

What You Should Know

  • Oral cancer is a general term that encompasses cancers of the mouth, tongue, tonsils, and throat, along with other oral tissues. Of all cancers in the head and neck category, oral cancer is the most prevalent. (more…)

Encinitas Periodontist Answers: What is a Gum Graft?

woman covering her smile shylyHow your gums look can significantly impact your smile’s appearance. For instance, a gummy smile (excessive, uneven periodontal tissue) can make your teeth appear crooked even though they’re perfectly straight. Your periodontal tissue’s health, however, affects much more than appearance, and if it can’t effectively perform its duties, then your entire oral health is at risk. Today, your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, explains how a gum graft can provide afflicted gums with the support they require, and how you can help prevent damage or disease from compromising your periodontal tissue.

A Little Support for Your Gums

The soft, pink tissue that surrounds the bottom of your teeth actually serve to support and protect the roots of your teeth, which erupt from your jawbone. Unlike the crowns, or top portions, of your teeth, the roots aren’t protected by strong tooth enamel. Instead, your gums seal the roots from harmful bacteria and other irritants. Exposed roots are prone to decay and can be painful. Recessed gum indicates bone loss- which can lead to tooth loss! A gum graft is a surgical procedure that utilizes your own tissue, or tissue from another donor source, to restore this seal when it’s been compromised by gum recession or periodontal disease. (more…)

Dr. Ann Kania’s Good Oral Health Quiz

little man with a quiz signHow important is knowledge to your good oral health? Knowing to brush and floss your teeth every day is more habit than knowledge, but if you don’t know what signs can indicate that your hygiene routine has failed, then you might risk extensive dental damage from severe disease. Knowing the true dangers of untreated oral diseases can motivate you to seek treatment promptly, and understanding your options for treatment can help you make the right decision to preserve your oral health, as well as treat your immediate concerns. To test your knowledge or oral health and oral diseases, your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, offers this brief quiz concerning your smile’s wellbeing.

Oral Health and Oral Diseases

1.) Oral bacteria, which form dental plaque, are a main cause of dental diseases. Which bacterium is specifically linked to periodontal inflammation and disease?

a.) Porphyromonas gordonni                                      c.) Porphyromonas gingivalis

b.) Streptococcus gingivalis                                          d.) Streptococcus mutans (more…)

Encinitas Periodontist Answers: Are Dental Implants Right for You?

pretty older woman thinkingThe short answer is often yes, dental implants are a great choice for restoring your smile after tooth loss. Nevertheless, like all dental treatments, and like any surgery, there are considerations that you must take into account before you are ready for dental implant placement. Your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, helps you determine if dental implants are the right choice for you by asking a few questions that you should ask yourself concerning your tooth-loss situation.

How many teeth have you lost?

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing your appropriate replacement teeth is how many teeth you’ve lost and their exact position in your smile. However, regardless of how many teeth you’ve lost and where they were once located, one or more dental implants can offer your dental crown, partial, or full denture support that make your natural healthy teeth formidable—a foundation embedded within your jawbone. (more…)

Want Help to Quit Smoking? Your Encinitas Periodontist is Happy to Help

quit smoking signAs part of our dedication to your oral and overall health, Dr. Ann Kania has spoken expansively about the effects of smoking and smokeless tobacco on all areas of your wellbeing. Your Encinitas periodontist is also proud to provide you with assistance in your quest to quit smoking; however, the care we offer doesn’t stop at smoking cessation. As you overcome your destructive smoking habit, Dr. Kania will also work closely with you to repair the oral and periodontal damage caused by smoking and tobacco use.

Smoking Cessation and More

Among the many dangers that smoking and chewing tobacco pose is the increased risk of dental disease and damage, as well as the inability of your oral tissues to heal due to molecular interference and an inhibited flow of oxygenated blood. When you quit smoking, your oral tissues have a greater chance of healing and recovering, and with advanced treatments, such as laser-assisted periodontal therapy and gum grafts, Dr. Kania can help restore damaged or lost gum tissue, which may not have been possible while you were smoking. (more…)

San Diego Periodontist: Why Smokeless Tobacco isn’t Safer than Smoking

hand grabbing chewing tobaccoHopefully, you realize that cigarette smoke presents a serious risk to your oral and systemic health. While smokeless tobacco is just as dangerous, some people seem to be under the impression that chewing tobacco, as opposed to burning it, makes it less of a threat. Unfortunately, that’s not true, and the misconception may be placing some patients at an unnecessary risk for oral cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Your San Diego periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, explains what’s in your smokeless tobacco, and why it’s just as much of a bane to your health as smoking cigarettes.

What’s in Your Smokeless Tobacco?

Nicotine is one of tobacco’s most notorious ingredients, but there are over 3,000 chemicals found in smokeless tobacco, many of which are known to cause cancer and other serious health issues. Below are just a few of the harmful chemicals found in smokeless tobacco, along with their surprising true natures; (more…)

Dr. Ann Kania Explains the Science of Periodontics

healthy gumsPeriodontics is a dental specialty that involves preventing, diagnosing, and treating all forms of periodontal disease, as well as placing and repairing dental implants. More than a general dentist, a periodontist must undergo an additional three or more years of school beyond dental school and receive extensive training in periodontal-related areas. As a result, your Encinitas periodontist is specially trained to address the most problematic periodontal cases and help you maintain your new or dental implant-supported smile.

Foundational Care

Periodontal (gum) disease attacks the gums and jawbone that support your teeth. The first stage of periodontal disease, called gingivitis, describes a bacterial infection that is often sparked by dental plaque buildup. Plaque consists of myriad oral bacteria, some of which target your gums and the tissues that connect them to your teeth.  If inflammation is left untreated, periodontitis (gum disease resulting in bone loss) may result. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help Dr. Kania detect and treat periodontal disease early using a variety of innovative treatments, such as laser-assisted periodontal therapy. (more…)

Encinitas Periodontist Discusses–Which is the Better Toothbrush?

beautiful woman brushing her teethMany people continue to debate whether the electric toothbrush is more effective than its manual predecessor at controlling harmful dental plaque and protecting your smile. Studies conducted suggest that electric brushes are generally more effective than manual brushes, and can provide additional features that make them especially beneficial to good oral hygiene care. Your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, takes a glimpse at why the unique shapes and features of some electric toothbrushes give them an advantage at protecting your smile from developing dental diseases, and how to help your toothbrush remain effective with regular professional care.

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrushes

Manual toothbrushes can successfully remove dental plaque from the surfaces of your teeth, but by automatically generating the majority of necessary mechanical power, electric toothbrushes can make the task easier to accomplish, reducing the risk of a tired hand causing you to miss a spot or brush too harshly. Some electric toothbrushes offer additional protection through special features. For instance, some power brushes produces sonic vibrations to help weaken bacterial plaque and make it easier to remove from your teeth and gum line. Others have small heads that are specially designed to reach those hard-to-reach places around and behind your back teeth, where bacteria are fond of hiding. Dr. Kania will advise you whch option is best for your unique condition. (more…)