How Deep of a Dental Cleaning Do You Need?

11 years ago

There’s more than one way to clean your teeth, and all of them are important at different steps in your…

Your Powerful Smile

11 years ago

You might recognize the maxim, “Smile and the world smiles with you.” Did you know, however, that studies have shown…

What Does a Periodontist Do?

11 years ago

Unlike your general dentist, who utilizes a broad range of treatments for most common dental issues, a periodontist is an…

How to Fight Periodontal Disease with Lasers

11 years ago

As a periodontist, a significant part of Dr. Ann Kania’s life involves helping patients prevent or fight off periodontal disease.…

How to Regenerate Tooth, Bone, and Gum Structures

11 years ago

The goal of periodontics is to help you maintain your teeth and their supportive structures in a healthy, functional state…

Does Bad Breath Mean You Have Gum Disease?

11 years ago

Periodontal disease goes through many stages, is known by many names, and produces many symptoms to warn you of its…

How Periodontal Germs Trick Your Immune System

11 years ago

Did you know that periodontal disease, or gum disease, is self-inflicted? It usually develops when bacteria overwhelm your teeth and…

Experts Say: It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking

11 years ago

According to the American Lung Association, cigarette smoke is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, claiming…

Children’s Gum Disease

11 years ago

According to the latest research, gum disease affects over half of the adult population in the United States. It can…

Is Periodontal Disease a Matter of the Heart?

11 years ago

American Heart Month, sponsored by the American Heart Association every February, is designed to raise awareness about the prevalence of…