Many patients have lost teeth or will in the future, and because it can affect virtually anyone, tooth loss is often thought to be inevitable. The truth, though, is that it doesn’t have to be, and the fact that you have a good chance of preventing tooth loss isn’t the only thing that’s often misunderstood about it. For patients throughout the Encinitas/San Diego community, preventing or dealing with tooth loss is often simpler than expected, especially with the right care and maintenance from your oral or periodontal health expert.
It’s common, but not certain
The reason tooth loss is so common is because the issues that cause it are, and many people fail to seek treatment for these causes in time to prevent resulting tooth loss. For example, periodontal disease is the most common cause of tooth loss, yet it’s also one of the most highly preventable and treatable oral health conditions. If you take excellent care of your oral and periodontal health, then you have a much higher chance of retaining all of your teeth for life.
It leads to even more complications
Besides the obvious results of tooth loss that involve your smile’s appearance, other concerns come with losing one or more teeth that affect much more than just esthetics. Your teeth rely on each other for support as much as they do your gums and jawbone structure. When one is lost, the remaining teeth can try to close ranks by shifting toward the gap in your smile. The loss of your teeth roots can also lead to jawbone degradation, increased risks of dental disease, and further tooth loss.
It can be mitigated with dental implants
The good news for patients who have already lost teeth is that the severe effects of the loss can be largely mitigated with the help of dental implants. Implant posts are prosthetic roots that are inserted into your jawbone. Once your jawbone has healed to the posts, they can support a lifelike crown, bridge, or denture, depending on how many teeth you’ve lost. This helps stop the jawbone erosion that could become your greatest risk factor in losing more teeth in the future.
Protect Your Smile from the Threat of Tooth Loss
Tooth loss doesn’t have to be inevitable. However, if you don’t take measures to protect your smile from the common causes of it, then you’re more likely to experience it. For more information, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kania by calling her periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.