Tag: san diego dentist

San Diego Laser Dentist Helps You Recognize Gum Disease

Did you know that some of the biggest threats to your teeth and health are microscopic? The bacteria responsible for gum disease can spread devastation throughout the mouth and even other parts of the body. To find out how to recognize the work of these tiny enemies, read the following information from your San Diego… Read more »

San Diego Dentist Explains Dental Implant Placement

In our last blog, we discussed the benefits of smile restoration with dental implants. Across the country, more and more people are choosing implants to restore smiles suffering from tooth loss. Many of our patients have asked questions about the implant process: How are dental implants placed? How long does the process take? In today’s… Read more »

Bad Mood = Bad Gum Health

During an emotional time in your life, you probably change your behavioral patterns to adjust to your feelings. Don’t be tempted during those times to neglect your dental health.  Visit Dr. Kania during negative life events, such as trauma, stress, and illness, to defend against your risk of gum disease. Negative Life Events Studies show… Read more »

Vitamin C Keeps Gums Strong

The foods you eat are important because they affect your oral health.  There are a number of nutrients that are required for good oral health.   Vitamin C is an important nutrient that can help keep your gums strong, reducing your risk of gum disease. Dr. Ann Kania can assess the health and strength of your… Read more »

Protecting Your Smile at Night

Do you wake up in the morning with painful headaches? If so, you may suffer from teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Sometimes grinding and clenching is unconscious and you don’t feel anything at all. Dr. Ann Kania can determine symptoms of bruxism simply by inspecting your mouth. What is Bruxism? Bruxism is an unconscious… Read more »

The Gender Gap: Who Has Better Oral Health, Men or Women?

In almost every measure of oral health, women win the battle of the sexes. Compared to men, women are: Almost twice as likely to have had a dental checkup in the last year Almost twice as likely to notice a missing tooth 17% more likely to be embarrassed by having a missing tooth themselves 26%… Read more »

Thanksgiving and Teeth: From the First Thanksgiving to Today

This holiday has been celebrated in America for over 300 years. The traditional story states that Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony did not have enough food to last the winter, and the local Wampanoag tribe gave them food and taught them how to live off the land. Most of the foods we have during this holiday… Read more »

New Study Links Common Virus to Oral Cancer

A recent study by the University of Southern California has linked a widespread virus, human cytomegalovirus (CMV), to the most common types of salivary gland cancer. Researchers have discovered that CMV re-activates a molecular pathway that normally turns off after birth, triggering unrestricted growth of virus-shedding tumors. This virus may also be implicated in other… Read more »

Periodontal Disease: How Bad Could It Be?

We’ve all been reminded to floss regularly and brush.  A lack of good dental home care can contribute to periodontal disease.  Periodontitis, meaning “inflammation around the teeth” is a progressive condition that is a major cause of tooth loss.  If caught in the early stages, it can be stopped from progressing. However, if allowed to continue, periodontitis… Read more »