Category: Gum Recession

What Are Pinhole® Gum Grafts?

Gum grafts are a common recourse for restoring periodontal tissue that has become irreversibly damaged or infected, or that has receded significantly and exposed your vulnerable teeth roots. As part of our continued dedication to providing advanced services and techniques that make your care more comfortable and effective, Dr. Kania is now certified to provide… Read more »

FAQs: Tips for Gum Disease Prevention

In the United States, gum disease affects millions of adults. This common dental disease can actually increase the risk of adult tooth loss, hurting the appearance and stability of your smile. Fortunately, this widespread dental health issue can be prevented with the right preventive measures.

Are Toothaches a Symptom of Periodontal Disease?

Several things can warn you of impending periodontal disease. If your gums are red or swollen, or appear darker in some areas than normal, you might have cause to worry. The more periodontal disease progresses, the more symptoms you’ll exhibit, and in time, it may even cause your teeth to ache (even though it doesn’t… Read more »

How Is Gum Disease Diagnosed?

We don’t often think about our gums unless they ache or bleed. Like our teeth, we sometimes take them for granted. But we’ve come to realize through research that our gums are very important to our health. We take care of our overall health by seeing our physician for regular check-ups. Because periodontal disease (gum… Read more »

San Diego Periodontist Answers Questions About Gum Grafts

Our teeth have two forms of protection: tooth enamel and gums. Tooth enamel protects the portion of the tooth above the gum line, protecting the sensitive inner tooth structure from bacteria. The roots of the tooth have no enamel coating; instead your gums protect them. However, a number of factors may cause the gums to… Read more »

Encinitas Periodontist Answers: What is a Gum Graft?

How your gums look can significantly impact your smile’s appearance. For instance, a gummy smile (excessive, uneven periodontal tissue) can make your teeth appear crooked even though they’re perfectly straight. Your periodontal tissue’s health, however, affects much more than appearance, and if it can’t effectively perform its duties, then your entire oral health is at… Read more »

San Diego Periodontist Explains Gum Grafting for Improved Support

Your gingival tissue, or gums, surround and protect your tooth roots and help support them as they erupt from your jawbone. Like a gasket in a motor, this seal is subject to wear and can begin to separate from your teeth for a number of reasons. When your gums recede, the vulnerable roots underneath become exposed… Read more »

Why Your Smile Needs a Solid Foundation

Last week, we discussed the various stages of gum disease and how it can destroy your smile as the disease progresses. Unlike tooth decay, gum disease does not directly attack your tooth structure, but rather it slowly erodes the foundation that holds your teeth in place and nourishes them. To underscore the importance of preventing and controlling gum disease,… Read more »

Types of Periodontal Disease Explained by Your San Diego Periodontist

Have you ever wondered why gum disease is such a threat to your oral health? Did you know that there are different types of gum disease? Periodontal disease can advance into a serious medical condition that requires professional treatment. Your Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania explains. Gingivitis This common type of gum disease often produces… Read more »

Dental Laser Treatment Explained by Your Encinitas Periodontist

Dental lasers have many applications for treating oral conditions. Dr. Ann Kania is a Board Certified Periodontist and also holds certification with the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry. For the treatment of gum disease, dental lasers are less invasive than traditional surgical procedures. Many patients enjoy a shorter recovery time and less discomfort. Gum Disease… Read more »