Many people assume gum disease is an issue that arises suddenly without cause. However, the truth is that our bad habits and lack of proper oral maintenance can lead to the onset of periodontal disease. By understanding the way our daily habits can endanger our smiles, we can take steps to protect our gums.
How Does Brushing And Flossing Help Your Gums?
Your entire life you’ve heard again and again that you need to brush your teeth and floss regularly. You understand how this impacts your teeth, but how does brushing and flossing help your gums? Patients are often surprised to learn that routine maintenance can help you maintain a healthy smile and reduce the risk of gum problems.
Who Makes A Good Implant Candidate?
Losing one or more teeth can not only be a hit to your appearance, but can also lead to a number of serious oral health complications, from misalignment to an older appearance due to facial collapse. To avoid these complications, we may recommend receiving a dental implant. Who makes a good candidate for dental implants? What does placing one involve?
What Do You Know About Pinhole Gum Grafts?
When you develop gum disease, both the health and appearance of your smile suffers. In addition, the disease has been linked to other illness and can even increase the likelihood of a patient losing one or more permanent teeth. Fortunately, we offer a number of treatments to manage the disease and protect the stability of your smile. What do you know about pinhole gum grafts?
The Link Between Oral Health And The Microbiome
Your smile and your stomach are linked in a number of surprising ways. In the human gut are over 600 types of microbial communities, known as the microbiome. These microbiomes can have a major impact on a person’s susceptibility to certain diseases. Your oral flora is connected to these and as a result, the health of your smile and have far reaching impacts on your overall health. There are surprising links between your oral health and the vast microbiome that inhabit your stomach.
5 Ways To Help Prevent Gum Disease
Did you know that once gum disease forms it cannot be cured? While we can definitely take steps to manage the disease and protect your smile from serious complications or the advanced stages of the disease, you can’t cure periodontal disease. However, if you recognize the warning signs and seek treatments in the inflammation stage you can potentially avoid the onset of periodontal disease. There are a number of different ways to help prevent gum disease.
How Do You Diagnose Periodontal Disease?
We’ve discussed the warning signs of gum disease, as well as treatment options, in our previous blogs. But how will the periodontist actually diagnose the issue? What technology will she use and what does she look for?
FAQs About Periodontal Disease
While millions of people suffer from gum disease, few people understand it. Knowing the factors behind gum disease, as well as the best ways to help prevent the disease, can protect your smile from the complications related to periodontal disease. Do you have questions about gum disease?
A Closer Look at Oral-Systemic Health
Oral-systemic health refers to the connection between your oral health and your overall health; particularly, the influence that periodontal disease can have on your systemic wellbeing. The same processes that make oral bacteria a threat to your periodontal health can also prove detrimental to other body tissues if they’re allowed into your bloodstream (through damaged oral tissues, for instance). Armed with this knowledge, Dr. Kania warns that good oral health care, or the lack thereof, can have far-reaching consequences for the rest of your systemic wellbeing. Today, we help you understand the importance of the oral-systemic connection by taking a glimpse at other illnesses that poor periodontal health can contribute to. (more…)
Do You Need A Deep Cleaning?
Without treatment, gum disease can threaten the health of your smile, as well as the stability. Fortunately, you can take steps to help avoid the onset of the disease. If you begin to show signs of gingivitis (gum inflammation) we can offer preventive treatments to reduce your risk, such as a periodontal deep cleaning. Do you need a deep cleaning?