Need a New Bridge or Denture? Consider Implants this Time

Today’s dental bridges and dentures are more lifelike and advanced than they’ve ever been thanks to a number of different factors. For instance, the materials often used to create them (such as customized porcelain) is almost indistinguishable from healthy tooth structure. Also, the technology used to design them allows for extremely precise measurements and results. However, even advanced dental prostheses can wear down over time, and you may have to have your bridge or denture refitted or replaced. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontist’s office, we often suggest that patients consider upgrading their bridges and dentures with an appropriate number of dental implant posts. Dental implants make your prosthesis even more lifelike by giving it the support of root-like anchors. (more…)

3 Minimally Invasive Ways to Treat Periodontal Disease

Having periodontal disease, or gum disease, means that you no longer have the luxury of procrastinating when it comes to caring for your smile. The disease will continue to progress and affect more of your gum tissues with increasing severity, and in severe cases, it could cost you one or more teeth. Because of its potentially severe consequences, periodontal disease can seem complicated to treat. However, at our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, we offer several advanced, minimally invasive treatments to restore your good periodontal health and help you avoid the more extreme consequences of it. (more…)

How Your Hygiene Sets the Course for Your Smile

Most people recognize that a good dental hygiene routine at home is the cornerstone of an effective dental care routine. However, not everyone adheres to those principles every day. Either out of neglect or simply not noticing, some patients fail to do all they can to keep their smiles healthy at home. Fortunately, good hygiene education is one of the many expert services we offer all patients at our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office. (more…)

A Guide to Bouncing Back After Tooth Loss

Most of the things that can affect your smile don’t have to be a permanent hindrance. For instance, if you develop gum disease, then you have an excellent chance of restoring your healthy gums with specialized treatment. Even if you’ve lost one or more teeth to the disease, then your Encinitas/San Diego periodontist can help your smile bounce back by custom-designing a durable, highly lifelike replacement for them. (more…)

A Few Facts About Your Gum Health

You may not pay much attention to your gums on a regular basis unless you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease. Yet, along with your teeth, your gums are one of the most important factors in your oral health. Together with your jawbone structure, your gums and periodontal tissues form the foundation that supports your teeth. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontist’s office, educating patients about the importance of preserving their gum health is one of the focuses of the education we provide all patients. (more…)

Inflammation: The Most Dangerous Aspect of Gum Disease

There are many different signs that could warn you that gum disease is present. For instance, your gums can become red and angry looking, or start to bleed when you brush your teeth. Your breath may become increasingly worse, even after you brush and floss your teeth. However, one of the most significant signs of gum disease is the rampant inflammation that develops among your gum tissues. At our Encinitas/San Diego office, one of the main goals of the expert care we provide is to help you control gum inflammation and disease, and protect your oral and overall health from its potential dangers. (more…)

Wondering About Dental Implants? Ask These Questions

Contrary to popular belief, tooth loss isn’t something that everyone has to go through. In fact, with consistent preventive care and an excellent hygiene routine, you have a good chance of preventing it from ever happening. However, for patients in Encinitas/San Diego who do experience tooth loss, we offer a highly lifelike solution in the form of dental implants. If you’re curious about dental implants and what they can do for your smile, then ask your periodontist about their many benefits. (more…)

Are Your Teeth Loose? Here’s What You Need to Know

One of the most important factors in why your teeth are the strongest parts of your body is the fact that they have a comprehensive support system. Each tooth root has its own socket within your jawbone, and is held tightly by a complex network of periodontal tissues and ligaments. When this network is intact, healthy teeth shouldn’t move when you bite and chew. If they do, then you should visit your Encinitas/San Diego periodontist’s office to find out why your teeth are loose, and to save them from being lost. (more…)

Why Seek a Second Opinion Before Gum Disease Treatment?

Not everyone experiences gum disease (or periodontal disease) in their lives, but those who do can protect and preserve their smiles best by seeking treatment from a periodontal expert. If your dentist notices the signs of the disease during your regularly scheduled checkup, then you may be referred to a periodontal specialist for a second opinion and more precise treatment. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontist’s office, we provide comprehensive diagnostic services for every patient to ensure that they receive optimal treatment for their gum disease. (more…)

What’s the Biggest Cause of Gum Disease?

There are many different things that could potentially raise your risks of developing gum (periodontal) disease. For example, if you smoke or chew tobacco, or simply don’t pay enough attention to your daily hygiene routine, then you’re more likely to experience gum disease at some point in your life. However, despite the many different risk factors, there is a definitive reason why people develop gum disease – because of excessive oral bacteria buildup on their gums. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, our goal is to help all patients safely guard their smiles against gum disease, which includes knowing as much as possible about what causes it. (more…)