For many people, tooth loss is the biggest threat to their smile. While it doesn’t always have to be inevitable, there are many different risk factors that can make you significantly more likely to lose one or more teeth in the future. Fortunately, understanding and recognizing those risks can go a long way in helping you avoid losing teeth and needing to replace them. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, we can help you identify what your biggest tooth loss risks are, and design an appropriate treatment plan to help you reduce or eliminate them. (more…)
What You Should Know About Modern Periodontal Treatment
One of the reasons why periodontal disease (or gum disease) is the second-most common oral health issue is because of how it forms. The disease is a product of oral bacteria, which naturally inhabit your mouth and produce substances that can damage your gum tissues. However, another reason why gum disease is so prominent is because patients who develop it often hesitate or neglect to address it. Part of that hesitation is due to misconceptions about periodontal treatment, such as the belief that it has to be complex and extensive. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, we perform expert, modern periodontal treatment in a more conservative and holistic manner than many patients expect. (more…)
3 Things Gum Disease Impacts Besides Your Gums
Periodontal disease, or gum disease, most notably affects your soft gum tissues (hence, the name). As such, the disease can lead to catastrophic erosion and damage to your gums if it isn’t treated and managed properly. However, the potential hazards of periodontal disease are not limited to just your gum tissues, and ignoring the condition could lead to much more significant consequences than you might realize at first. By seeking treatment at our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, you can learn more about those potential consequences, as well as how to protect your oral and overall health from them. (more…)
3 Things Dental Implants Can Prevent Following Tooth Loss
After experiencing tooth loss, the most immediate concern you may have is filling the gap to restore your smile’s appearance and your bite’s ability to function properly. However, even after replacing lost teeth with a conventional bridge or denture, several of the more profound consequences of tooth loss may still continue. Those effects are due mainly to the loss of your healthy, natural teeth roots, and the only way to address them is to replace those roots. At our Encinitas/San Diego, periodontal office, we offer lifelike dental implants that prevent these consequences by providing a biocompatible prosthetic option for replacing lost teeth roots. (more…)
How Periodontal Disease Can Affect Systemic Health
When you learn that you have periodontal disease (also known as gum disease), the most immediate concern is treating and managing it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the damage that the condition causes will grow increasingly worse, leading to complications like tooth loss. In fact, unchecked periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss, and to many patients, that can seem like the worst possible consequence. However, beyond losing teeth, the presence of severe gum disease can also lead to heightened risks of conditions beyond your oral health. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontist’s office, we can help you stop gum disease from becoming such a threat with the help of highly personalized periodontal treatment. (more…)
Are There Signs to Warn You of Tooth Loss?
There are many different potential causes of tooth loss, such as accidental trauma and periodontal disease (the most common cause). Therefore, many of the warning signs of tooth loss involve symptoms and signs of the appropriate underlying condition. If your gums are bleeding, then you may periodontal disease, which means you’re at a significantly increased risk of losing teeth to the disease. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontist’s office, we can help reduce those risks by addressing your unique oral health concerns. However, your first have to know how to recognize them and seek treatment as soon as you notice them. (more…)
How Serious Is Your Gum Recession?
One of the reasons why preventable oral health issues remain prominent concerns is because people don’t always realize when their smiles are warning them of danger. For example, gum recession is a common indicator and risk factor for several potential oral health problems. Yet, many people fail to realize when their periodontal tissues are separating too much from their teeth, or recognize the dangers that this might indicate. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, we offer a variety of specialized treatment options to help you address your gum recession and protect your smile from those potential dangers. (more…)
3 Good Reasons to Treat Gum Disease with LANAP
If you have gum disease, then treating it as soon as possible is always a good idea. Otherwise, it’ll have time to grow worse and become a much greater threat to your oral health (and more). However, how you treat your specific gum disease matters, and for many patients at our Encinitas/San Diego office, periodontal treatment is often accomplished with the help of advanced laser technology. Known as laser assisted new attachment protocol, or LANAP, the advanced periodontal treatment offers several advantages in the fight against gum disease’s progression. (more…)
3 Things You Should Stop Doing Now to Avoid Tooth Loss
Taking good care of your smile requires doing some things consistently, like brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once every day. However, it’s just as much about what you don’t do, and without realizing it, you may be putting your smile at risk even if you do take consistently good care of it. For example, eating too much sugar every day can weaken your teeth even if you brush and floss them every day. Likewise, things like smoking or chewing tobacco and avoiding routine dental visits can also lead to increased risks of conditions that cause tooth loss, such as severe periodontal disease. (more…)
If My Hygiene Is Good, Why Did I Get Gum Disease?
It’s no secret that the key to a consistently healthy smile is a consistently good hygiene routine at home. That’s because the most common and destructive oral health issues, including severe periodontal disease, begin with the oral bacteria that accumulate on your teeth and gums every day. The key to preventing such issues is to prevent oral bacteria from growing strong enough to become a threat. At our Encinitas/San Diego periodontal office, part of the exceptional treatment we provide includes education about the role good hygiene plays in your oral health, as well as explaining why you might still develop gum disease without professional care. (more…)