When should you contact a periodontist about your oral health? We recommend an initial consultation once you notice changes to your gums. When they feel sore, look redder than normal, or bleed when you brush or floss, this could be a sign of inflammation or the early stages of the disease. Likewise, if there is swelling or you notice tissues begin to recede, you need to let us know. Our team will conduct an examination, employing advanced technology so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. Our team then creates a treatment plan to reverse gingivitis or manage the disease itself, so your smile stays whole and healthy. When possible, we take a holistic approach with minimally invasive treatments to keep your gums healthy and your smile beautiful.
In many cases, we can conduct a scaling and root planing, in which we gently remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth and from beneath the gums and on the surfaces of the roots, which can take one to four visits and allow the issue to become more manageable moving forward. We could also suggest routine dental cleanings every three to four months afterward to control buildup.
With antimicrobial therapy, we can use special medications to destroy harmful bacteria and improve periodontal health. We could also discuss improved vitamin regimes, with plenty of Vitamins C and D, and Omega-3 fatty acids to boost gingival health. Lifestyle changes can be helpful too, such as avoiding tobacco products, eating a healthier diet, and adding essential nutrients to your diet. Unique treatments could also be recommended to facilitate the growth of healthy tissues and to improve and repair ligaments, tendons, and muscle joints in the face and jaw.
If you have any questions about how we tackle periodontal disease with holistic treatments, or if you’re ready to schedule an initial consultation and start your journey to a healthy and whole smile, then contact our team today to learn more. We want you to maintain your best smile with good periodontal health!
We want to help you enjoy good oral health and gums that are strong and disease-free. To learn more about our comfortable and noninvasive treatments or to schedule your appointment, give us a call at our office in Encinitas, CA today at 760-642-0711. Don’t let disease cause adult tooth loss and uncomfortable symptoms, talk to our team about possible solutions.
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