The point of dental implants is to give your replacement teeth a more lifelike system of support than traditional prosthetic options. For example, conventional bridges rely on dental crowns that are attached to healthy abutment teeth for support. Partial bridges utilize small, comfortable clasps, while full dentures are held securely by the natural curvature of your dental ridge (and adhesive, if necessary). By contrast, dental implants consist of small, root-like posts that your periodontist inserts into your jawbone. They mimic the structures of your healthy teeth roots, providing lifelike support for your prosthesis as you bite, chew, speak, and more.
For optimal results, we may suggest getting dental implants as soon as possible after you’ve lost teeth. However, if you’ve already worn a dental bridge or denture for a while, then you may still qualify for a more advanced, implant-supported version. In fact, switching to an implant bridge or denture can help you preserve more of your remaining healthy smile, though you may require one or more prerequisite procedures first. For instance, if the absence of your teeth roots has caused your jawbone to lose mass and density, then you may benefit from a bone graft before your implants can be placed.
By replacing your lost teeth roots and giving your dental prosthesis more lifelike support, dental implants offer several important benefits for your smile. For instance, after your implant-supported bridge or denture is in place, you can enjoy advantages such as:
Dental implants are often the most comprehensive option for replacing one, several, or a complete row of missing teeth. For more information, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kania by calling her periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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