Simply put, the work of brushing and flossing keep you safe against the oral bacteria that can infect your gums. How can you make sure these habits are working effectively for you? When performing both, it is important to make a point to clean at the base of your teeth so that bacteria at your gum line are removed. When brushing, this means working the bristles over the gum line. While flossing, make sure you bring the string all the way down to your gum line between teeth.
If you are showing signs of gingivitis, we can help by providing preventive periodontal care. Through a scaling and root planing, we can clear away the bacteria that are attacking your tissues before polishing the surfaces of your teeth. That polishing practice makes the area harder for bacteria to gather on. If your condition has progressed to periodontal disease, we may recommend supportive periodontal maintenance, a series of procedures that take care of bacteria buildup and help you avoid complications from periodontal disease.
Could you use extra help in fighting periodontal bacteria? We can provide that support in the form of Perio Protect. Perio Protect provides you with a custom-made tray and antibacterial agents that fight the harmful agents attacking your gums. When used consistently, you can stop bacteria from growing and avoid problems from an infection.
At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, patients who are concerned about their periodontal health can talk with us about fighting periodontal bacteria at home. In addition to helping you manage your gum health on your own, we offer preventive services that can directly clear away the bacteria that are gathering beneath your gums and causing an infection. To find out more, call Dr. Kania’s periodontal practice today at (760) 642-0711.
Do you take time to brush and floss properly? This may seem minor, but these…
Periodontal disease can lead to discomfort, and over time, even threaten the stability of your…
Our team wants to ensure you enjoy a comfortable treatment experience, even if you have…
When a person loses a tooth to gum disease, this can lead to major complications,…
Periodontal disease can lead to sore and bleeding gums, along with recession, which makes teeth…
When you undergo treatment for periodontal disease, or if we discover the presence of the…