The characteristic difference between dental cleaning and periodontal cleaning is that periodontal cleaning doesn’t focus on the visible parts of your teeth (called the crowns). Instead, it focuses on the roots that rest underneath your gums. When oral bacteria work their way underneath your gum line, they settle and form plaque on your teeth roots. During periodontal cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, your periodontist will carefully clean away the plaque and tartar from your teeth roots (scaling). Then, she’ll polish their surfaces so that oral bacteria cannot easily cling to them (planing).
After removing the bacterial plaque and tartar from your teeth roots, your healthy periodontal tissues can heal and reattach to your teeth. If your gingivitis is treated early, then scaling and root planing may reverse the condition and restore your excellent periodontal health. However, if your gum disease has advanced, then you might also require routine periodontal maintenance to keep it under control and prevent extensive damage to your gums and jawbone. Sticking to a regular schedule of periodontal visits will help you reduce your risks of tooth loss, which is one of the most prominent effects of severe, untreated gum disease.
If you exhibit the signs of gingivitis or more advanced gum disease, then you may need periodontal cleaning as soon as possible to preserve your healthy smile. For more information, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kania by calling her periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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