Tag: gum disease treatment

The Gender Gap: Who Has Better Oral Health, Men or Women?

In almost every measure of oral health, women win the battle of the sexes. Compared to men, women are: Almost twice as likely to have had a dental checkup in the last year Almost twice as likely to notice a missing tooth 17% more likely to be embarrassed by having a missing tooth themselves 26%… Read more »

Periodontal Disease: How Bad Could It Be?

We’ve all been reminded to floss regularly and brush.  A lack of good dental home care can contribute to periodontal disease.  Periodontitis, meaning “inflammation around the teeth” is a progressive condition that is a major cause of tooth loss.  If caught in the early stages, it can be stopped from progressing. However, if allowed to continue, periodontitis… Read more »

Gum Disease and Diabetes

Recent research links periodontal disease (gum disease) to a number of systemic health conditions, one of which is diabetes. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and San Diego area Periodontist, Dr. Kania wants you to understand how gum disease contributes to diabetes, and how diabetics are at higher risk for gum disease. What is diabetes? Diabetes… Read more »