It is important to recognize just how harmful a periodontal infection can become over time. When an infection first occurs, a person experiences gingivitis. Gingivitis can lead to a change in the condition of your gums, and may lead to sensitivity to bleeding, chronic bad breath, and other concerning symptoms. If the problem is not addressed in time, your condition can worsen, leaving you affected by periodontal disease. At this state, bacteria beneath your gums can destroy the tissues that support your teeth, and make you vulnerable to health concerns!
In order to see what kind of care you require, our practice uses advanced diagnostic tools to evaluate the condition of your gums. The images produced by the technology in our office can reveal if you have an infection, and help us ascertain how serious it may be. With this information available, we can help you understand what threat you might face, and we can review your options for addressing the matter.
For people who are experiencing an infection, our periodontal practice can provide preventive services to help you stop bacteria from doing serious harm to your smile and oral health. These services include scaling and root planings, which can stop gingivitis, as well as supportive periodontal maintenance to stop an advanced infection from worsening. If necessary, we can even do advanced work to remove infected tissues. Laser-based periodontal care allows us to do this work while protecting healthy tissues. Lasers also encourage faster healing, so your recovery time is shortened!
At our Encinitas/San Diego, CA periodontal practice, Dr. Kania has experience helping patients facing varying degrees of periodontal health troubles. If you think something might be wrong with your gums, or if you want to receive follow-up information from Dr. Kania after visiting your dentist, contact her office today at (760) 642-0711.
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