When we develop periodontal disease, without treatment to manage it, the disease can grow in severity with time, reaching advanced stages like periodontitis. This could mean that tissues begin to pull away from the teeth, which makes them appear longer than usual. Recession also exposes portions of the root, which are not protected by enamel. You have a greater risk of tooth decay and tooth sensitivity, and as periodontitis destroys the connective tissues between the teeth and gums, the risk of tooth loss is much higher. You need treatment that not only manages the disease and controls periodontitis, but that covers the exposed roots of your teeth and improves your gum line. We can offer that with the Pinhole Surgical Technique.
In the past, gum grafting meant taking tissues from other parts of the mouth and using them to cover the exposed portions of the roots. But we can offer a more conservative alternative. With the Pinhole system, our team will make a minuscule hole in the tissues and add a special collagen material. Our team can then manipulate the tissues to cover the exposed roots and reshape the gum line in the process. This means your gum line is now as it should be, so your smile looks better. Your risk of tooth decay and discomfort is much lower too. The process only takes one visit too!
Following the procedure, our team can take action to manage the issue and keep your smile intact. With treatments like cleanings and Supportive Periodontal Maintenance every three to four months we can remove buildup that causes sensitivity and recession. Our team can also control harmful bacteria with holistic treatments like Ozone Therapy. If you have any questions about how our team will improve your recession and smile health with the Pinhole Surgical Technique, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy a full smile for years to come!
We want to help you enjoy better oral health and a smile that is stable and strong. To learn more about how we improve the health and beauty of your smile, call Dr. Ann Kania in Encinitas, CA, today at 760-642-0711.
When you undergo treatment for periodontal disease, or if we discover the presence of the…
When you have periodontal disease, we offer advanced technology to ensure treatment and management with…
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