Every time you clean your smile, you fight the buildup of microbes that can build up beneath your gum tissues and cause gingivitis. Eventually, an unresolved issue with an infection can lead to a more serious problem with periodontal disease. At this point, your condition becomes more difficult to manage, and it can lead to trouble with tooth loss and your general health. While professional periodontal services can help you combat these issues, remember that your daily routine is your first line of defense against dental and periodontal troubles!
A good oral hygiene routine will see you take care of your smile at least twice by brushing, and at least once by flossing. Whenever you perform these tasks, put in work to thoroughly clear away microbes that have started to build up at the spaces where your teeth and gums meet. Those bacteria can eventually infiltrate your gum line and start to gather on your teeth roots, leading to gingivitis. If you are looking for extra protection, we can recommend Perio Protect, which gives you a means of applying antimicrobial solutions directly to your gums!
In addition to taking care of infections that have already turned serious, our practice can provide preventive periodontal cleanings, known as scaling and root planings, to stop gingivitis before it grows more advanced. This service removes those bacteria that are already present on the roots of your teeth, then polishes these structures so that bacteria have a difficult time gathering in the future.
Our periodontal practice provides services that address serious infections that threaten to harm your gums, your smile, and your overall oral health. We also provide help for individuals who still have time to keep an infection from growing more serious! To learn more about our services, and about how you can guard yourself against problems, call Dr. Kania’s office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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