If you are not familiar with dental implants, you may be less clear on why they have value for your smile recovery. When implants are placed, they can hold restorations securely against your jawbone. This support mirrors the kind of hold that your teeth enjoy from their roots. This can make you more comfortable with your replacement teeth, even as you bite, chew, and speak! Implants are also good for your long-term oral health because they stimulate your jawbone. This stimulation, which is normally provided by your teeth roots, keeps your jaw healthy by triggering the delivery of nutrients to the bone.
When you start the implant placement process, Dr. Kania will carefully examine your gums, and your jawbone. The examination process can lead to the identification of problems that may need to be addressed before moving forward with treatment. It also allows Dr. Kania to identify the proper place for your implant, or implants. Once your placement is fully planned, you can move forward with scheduling it. Your comfort during placement is an important priority – dental sedation and local anesthetic are provided to minimize any discomfort you might experience as this work is performed.
Your initial evaluation may reveal certain issues, like existing periodontal problems, that need to be addressed before you can receive your implants. This may call for direct treatment for periodontal disease, but it can also lead to the performing of a jawbone graft, or a gum graft. Once your work is completed, you can move forward to restoring your full smile!
Dr. Kania is ready to meet with you and discuss the benefits of having dental implants put in place! With implant support, you can enjoy a better experience with restorative work after tooth loss. This is one of many services we provide to people in the Encinitas/San Diego, CA area who have been affected by periodontal disease, and its effect on their quality of life. If you are ready to benefit from Dr. Kania’s expertise, contact her office today at (760) 642-0711.
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