Keeping Patients Comfortable With Dental Sedation

encinitas sedationWhen you have a more advanced stage of gum disease or have lost teeth and require dental implants, we want to ensure your experience is a positive one. To do so, our team can offer dental sedation. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about staying comfortable with sedation dentistry.

When You Benefit From Sedation

When do we recommend dental sedation for our patients? We prescribe these calming treatments for people undergoing more extensive treatments, such as Pinhole Surgical Technique gum grafts or ridge augmentation to strengthen smiles before dental implant placement. These calming medications can also be recommended for people receiving dental implants. If you have dental anxiety that makes undergoing care a difficult process, an overactive gag reflex, or special needs, then our calming medications can make the procedure a more calm and comfortable experience. We have three different options, and the one we select will be based on your age, weight, medical history, current medications, and anxiety levels.

Three Calming Options

The most common and mild option is nitrous oxide, sometimes referred to as laughing gas. We will administer this through a mask over the nose. You then breathe in the gas and enter a state of calm and euphoria, so you are comfortable during treatment. Our team can adjust levels during the procedure, and the effects wear off once the treatment ends, so you can return to work or school and even drive yourself home!

For a deeper state of calm, we could offer oral conscious sedation. Like nitrous oxide, this one leaves you conscious but with little to no memory of the procedure. We will administer this in a pill or liquid form prior to the procedure. The effects take longer to wear off, so you may need to have a friend or family member on hand to bring you home.

The deepest calming option is IV, which is administered intravenously and puts you in a deep sleep-like state. You again have little to no memory of the procedure at all, and this keeps you calm and comfortable. You will be a bit groggy afterward, so be sure to have someone available to bring you home.

If you have any questions about dental sedation or about how we ensure a positive experience in our office, then contact our team today to plan more. We want to help with periodontal care and dental implants!

Talk to Dr. Kania About Keeping Smiles Comfortable

When we treat your periodontal concerns and replace your missing teeth, we want to ensure you enjoy your visit. To learn more about keeping patients comfortable and calm, or to schedule your appointment, give us a call at our office in Encinitas, CA today at 760-642-0711.