By making plans to restore your smile with an implant-held restoration, you can look forward to treatment that provides more than just cosmetic improvement after tooth loss. Dental implants give restorations enough support to give you dependable bite support. They also offer support for neighboring teeth, as they offer support to neighboring roots. Over time, implants even have the long-term benefit of protecting your jawbone, as the post stimulates surrounding tissues to prevent deterioration. By performing a diagnostic review, we can determine where your implant should be placed, and whether there are issues that need to be treated before that placement can proceed.
If you are dealing with issues like periodontal disease, jawbone deterioration, or any other issue that affects your ability to move forward with treatment, we can discuss treatment options. We offer advanced services, including periodontal treatment with lasers, to support patients dealing with infection problems. We also provide gum grafting treatments and jawbone grafting procedures to improve your candidacy.
After the work of fully restoring your smile is complete, you can enjoy more confidence when you bite, speak, and eat. Implant-held restorations stay secure throughout the day and provide long-term stability so that you can bite and chew in a way that feels natural to you. Implants also help you by returning stimulation to the surrounding bone and stopping deterioration that can hurt your appearance and well-being. It should be noted that in addition to using a single implant to hold one replacement tooth, we can use several implants to hold a larger restoration in place.
With Dr. Kania’s help, patients who want to do something about tooth loss can look forward to treatment that dramatically improves their appearance and oral health! To find out more about the benefits of implant dentistry, or to discuss any concerns you have about your periodontal health, please call our periodontal office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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