With the right behaviors and the right commitment to good oral hygiene, you make yourself less likely to experience trouble with your gums that can hurt your health and quality of life. When you think about your current oral hygiene routine, you should think about how it defends your gums as well as your teeth. You should also think about the role that regular dental appointments play in care, as these visits lead to timely warnings about difficulties with gingivitis, which can worsen when left unaddressed. Of course, you should be prepared to reach out to a periodontal specialist whenever you grow concerned about your condition and feel you may need to take on more involved support to prevent complications with gum disease.
One habit that raises your risk for gum disease is the use of tobacco products. Cigarette smoking and other behaviors that expose you to tobacco can make you more likely to develop an infection. These products also leave you vulnerable to issues with teeth stains and problems with your general health. You can better defend your gums by cutting tobacco, and you can preserve your overall well-being more effectively!
For people who want to know how they can do more for their gums, we can recommend the use of Perio Protect. This provides you with a custom tray as well as antimicrobial material that can fight the bacteria that are present beneath your gums. When included as part of your daily habits, this can lower your risk for problems and help you fight the unhealthy microbes responsible for your infection!
Through the right approach to managing your periodontal health, you protect yourself against an issue that can lead to tooth loss and serious general health consequences! If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of your gums, please call Dr. Kania’s office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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