How Good Oral Hygiene Fights Periodontal Disease

How well do you brush and floss your teeth? When you take good care of your smile, this helps lower the risk of periodontal disease and even periodontitis, so you can keep your smile healthy and whole. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about how you can reduce your risk of gum disease.

Poor Hygiene and Periodontal Disease

When we don’t take proper care of our smiles, this leaves behind particles of sugar and starch caught on or between our teeth. As harmful oral bacteria consume these particles, this creates plaque buildup that coats the teeth, hardening into tartar with time. Eventually, this irritates and inflames the gum tissues to cause gingivitis. Without treatment to reverse gingivitis, this could cause tissues to pull away from the teeth to form pockets. Once disease-causing bacteria enter these pockets, this creates periodontal disease. Other factors include a family history of the disease, inflammatory illnesses, tobacco use, and the use of certain medications. But often, better oral hygiene habits can prevent the disease!

Brushing and Flossing

When you clean your teeth each day, this helps remove the particles that could feed bacteria and cause plaque and inflammation. You should brush your teeth when you wake up and then again before going to bed for two minutes. Each session should also involve the use of a fluoride toothpaste. These actions scrub away the particles of food and drink left behind, and limit the severity of plaque buildup until you receive a professional cleaning to move it all. Be sure you clean along the gum line too, and use a soft bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging the gums.

You also need to floss every evening, running the tape up and down each side of every tooth, and dipping beneath the gum line when you do. This removes what a toothbrush alone cannot, and is vital for keeping your gums free of inflammation and discomfort.

Better Diets

You should cut back on the sugar and starch in your diet, as this helps deprive harmful oral bacteria of a meal. Instead, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and proteins. This can help protect your teeth from disease, as well as cavities and infections too. If you have any questions about how we protect your smile from disease, or if you want to schedule a visit, then contact our team today.

Talk to Dr. Kania About Safeguarding Your Gum Health

How you care for your smile at home has an impact on your overall oral health! To learn more about preventing poor oral health or to schedule your appointment, give us a call at our office in Encinitas, CA today at 760-642-0711.


Dr. Ann Kania

Published by
Dr. Ann Kania

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