Focus On Your Periodontal Health In 2025

When you think about your oral health, many people focus on keeping their pearly whites clean and cavity-free. These steps are important in protecting your smile, but there are more steps to remember as well. Taking care of your gums includes practicing healthy habits, flossing, and planning deep cleanings if they are necessary. Dr. Kania and her team in Encinitas, CA, want to help you take care of your gums and maintain a healthy smile. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about steps you can take to improve your periodontal health this year.

Take Steps To Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs when bacteria hardens into plaque along your gumline. Patients who smoke cigarettes, have poor oral hygiene habits, or weaker immune systems may be at a higher risk of the disease, so it’s important to take steps to prevent the infection when possible. If you currently smoke cigarettes, you can take steps to stop this habit to reduce your risk of periodontitis and oral cancer. If you have early symptoms of gingivitis, we may be able to help diagnose and treat the bacterial infection before it enters the stage of mild or moderate periodontal disease. Remember to also practice a good oral hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing at least twice a day to prevent plaque buildup.

Manage Periodontal Disease With Laser Therapy

If you have symptoms such as swollen, red, or bleeding gums, it could be a sign that you have periodontal disease. We can examine and diagnose the concern before creating a treatment plan that can help best manage your symptoms. Deep cleanings can be used to help manage your symptoms. This treatment includes scaling and root planing, which involves removing plaque buildup and smoothing the roots of your teeth to avoid the tissue from receding from your dental structures. Laser treatments can make this process more efficient and comfortable for you, as the patient. Laser-assisted periodontal treatments can remove the harmful bacteria while protecting your soft gum tissues.

Address Tooth Loss With Implants

More severe stages of periodontal disease can unfortunately lead to tooth loss in many cases. When this happens, you may notice that your regular functions like eating and smiling can become more difficult. We can help rebuild your smile after tooth loss with the help of dental implants. The posts of your dental implants fuse together with your jawbone in a natural process, which creates a more secure way to replace missing teeth. Implants may be a great option for patients who have experienced tooth loss due to advanced periodontitis.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

Maintaining healthy gums can help you protect your oral health and overall wellbeing. To learn more about periodontal services, call Dr. Ann Kania in Encinitas, CA, today at 760-642-0711.

Dr. Ann Kania

Published by
Dr. Ann Kania

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