Focus On Your Periodontal Health In 2025

Encinitas, CA, dentist offers periodontal treatments

When you think about your oral health, many people focus on keeping their pearly whites clean and cavity-free. These steps are important in protecting your smile, but there are more steps to remember as well. Taking care of your gums includes practicing healthy habits, flossing, and planning deep cleanings if they are necessary. Dr. Kania and her team in Encinitas, CA, want to help you take care of your gums and maintain a healthy smile. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about steps you can take to improve your periodontal health this year.


Take Control Of Your Periodontal Health In 2025

Encinitas, CA, dentist offers periodontal treatment

As we head into the last week of the year, now is a good time to start making goals for the new year. Whether you have been managing your symptoms of periodontal disease, or you need a bit of help, Dr. Ann Kania and her team in Encinitas, CA, are here to help you stay on top of your oral hygiene goals for 2025. In today’s blog, we’re here with a few tips on taking control of your gum health.


Taking A Holistic Approach To Periodontal Care

encinitas holistic careDid you know that we offer safe and holistic treatments to either prevent the onset of gum disease, or to help us manage it following initial treatments? From deep cleanings to special antimicrobial medications, we can protect your smile. In today’s blog, your Encinitas/San Diego, CA, periodontist talks about our holistic approach to dental care, so we can help treat periodontal disease and even manage it following treatment, so your smile remains whole and beautiful for years to come!
