Biomimetic Dentistry Develops New Treatment for Periodontal Disease

Our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, is a strong proponent of caring for the whole patient. Our periodontal care focuses on minimally invasive, comfortable treatment that encourages complete health. Biomimetic dentistry subscribes to a similar philosophy of care that involves careful treatment planning and protection of healthy oral tissues. Most recently, some researchers have developed a biomimetic time-release capsule for treating and healing gum tissue from the ravages of periodontal disease.

The Progression of Gum Disease

For clarification on how the time-release capsule works, our Encinitas periodontist will explain how gum disease affects your oral health. Starting as colonies of plaque along the gum line, the bacteria that cause gum disease challenge the immune system and result in an infection. Gums become red and inflamed and eventually recede from the tooth as the infection spreads. The pocket formed between the tooth and gums is known as a periodontal pocket. These periodontal pockets contain the bacteria that perpetuate inflammation and disease. This is where the biomimetic capsules target gum disease.

How Biomimetic Capsules Work

According to Medical News Today, researcher Dr. Steven Little of the University of Pittsburgh calls the periodontal pockets “ground-zero for periodontal disease.” Injected into the periodontal pockets, the controlled-release capsules work to reduce inflammation and foster gum tissue healing. Since an inappropriate inflammatory reaction is one of the main perpetuating forces behind gum disease, researchers focused more on controlling the inflammatory aspect of the disease rather than the bacterial. In fact, the capsule releases a protein that encourages healthy inflammation, restoring an immune balance.

Time-Released Capsule Encourages Gum Healing

In clinical trials on animals, Dr. Little and his colleagues observed gum tissue healing and even re-growth as well as reduced symptoms of periodontal disease. In fact, the biomimetic capsules are suggested to help re-grow healthy gum tissue and even bone tissue that gum disease had previously deteriorated. (more…)

Encinitas Periodontist Explains How Seaweed Could Benefit Your Gums

An exciting new discovery by researchers from the Newcastle University’s School of Dental Sciences claims that seaweed may benefit your oral health. Interestingly enough, the research, in collaboration with the School of Marine Science and Technology, did not originally seek to address dental health. Our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, will explain their findings and what this could mean for the future of your oral health.

How Gum Disease Forms

To explain how seaweed may benefit your gums, Dr. Kania will first explain how gum disease forms. Periodontal disease is a result of plaque buildup along the gum line. This filmy, clear layer of plaque holds bacteria against the teeth and gum tissue, allowing the pathogens to spread and grow. The plaque will begin to form colonies, creating an environment that can led to gingivitis and tooth decay.

Periodontal Disease Prevention

Preventing gum disease requires breaking up these colonies of plaque and bacteria to stop the spread of pathogens. Since oral hygiene routines cannot completely remove plaque, dental cleanings are necessary to address what is left behind. Our Encinitas dentist uses special techniques for periodontal care to keep your gums healthy and strong.

How Seaweed May Prevent Gum Disease

So what does seaweed have to do with plaque? Researchers from the School of Marine Science and Technology hoped to find an enzyme in the seaweed that could help break up microbes on the hulls of ships. What they found was that the enzyme could actually disperse the microbes in your mouth, plaque. This enzyme, bacillus licheniformis, can also be found in soil and bird feathers (especially aquatic birds). While the enzyme is still in testing for safety precautions, researchers hope their cavity-fighting seaweed will eventually be used in oral hygiene products like toothpastes and mouthwashes. (more…)

Encinitas Periodontist Offers Help to Quit Smoking

Did you know that under a microscope your mouth looks like a jungle? At least this is how microbiologists describe the microbial activity inside your oral cavity. You may be surprised to find that hundreds of species of bacteria not only live in your mouth, but choose specific environments over others. For example, the bacteria residing on the top of your tongue, is different from the bacteria that dwells underneath your tongue, and even on the sides. Our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, will explain what this means for your oral health and how smoking can effect this veritable ecosystem.

Positive Bacteria Protects Your Mouth

Of these hundreds of species, most are bacteria biocompatible with health which protect your oral health. These positive bacteria form a blanket over the soft tissues of your mouth and your teeth. The thick carpet of positive bacteria blocks harmful pathogens from touching down and causing damage. According to microbiologists, Dr. Bruce Paster of the Forsyth Institute, these bacteria are fast-moving and spiral shaped. One of the most notorious bacteria which causes cavities is called S. mutans.  Numerous bacteria contribute to gum disease.

How Smoking Contributes to Gum Disease

What does this have to do with quitting smoking? Recently, Dr. Kumar of Professor of Periodontology at Ohio State University, produced evidence to suggest that smoker’s mouths actually kill the positive bacteria, making a more hospitable environment for pathogens. A metaphor for this phenomena is like that of the weed. Smoking chokes out the good bacteria, making more room for pathogens that contribute to gum disease and tooth decay.  Smoking increases your risk of periodontal disease, root canals, and oral cancer. (more…)

Stress-Free Periodontal Care from Encinitas Periodontist

Last week, our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania, discussed how stress can contribute to bruxism and TMJ disorder. Both of these dental health issues can translate into symptoms like chronic headaches, earaches (especially in the morning), neck and shoulder pain, jaw popping, increased tooth sensitivity, and susceptibility to cavities. Since stress can trigger so many of these dental health difficulties, our periodontist, Dr. Kania, focuses on relaxing treatments that foster oral health and total wellbeing.

Comfortable Dental Treatment

In a spa-like atmosphere, our dental team will work diligently to make sure you receive the treatment you need comfortably. From gum disease therapy to dental checkups, we take extra steps to ensure you are informed of your procedure and feel comfortable with your treatment. We believe in educating our patients on our methods to help relieve anxiety and provide insight into their oral health.

Eliminate Stressful Dental Care

At your next stress-free visit to our dental office in Encinitas, we can help you relax with sedation dentistry. These sedation methods are available for patients who qualify with dental anxiety or fears. We offer nitrous oxide to help soothe our patients who would not otherwise feel relaxed enough to receive the dental care they need.

Safe Sedation Dentistry

Depending on your individual needs, we can determine the right type of sedation dentistry for you from IV sedation to nitrous oxide. Each of our dental treatments is backed by experience and attention to detail. You can rest assured that our dental team will take every precaution to ensure your safety during any procedures, especially treatments using sedation dentistry. (more…)

Feeling Stressed? Take Time to Relax for Your Dental Health

Did you know that stress can play a role in your dental health? Stress can contribute to conditions like bruxism, TMJ disorder, and high blood pressure can increase your risk of gum disease. Here are some tips from Dr. Ann Kania, our Encinitas periodontist, so that you can prevent stress from harming your oral health.

Stress Can Lead to Teeth Grinding

Next time you are on a hectic commute, instead of checking traffic updates, check your teeth. Are you clenching your teeth or grinding them together? Bruxers, or people with chronic teeth grinding, often clench their teeth together in stressful situations. While bruxism is most common during sleep, it can also occur when you are focused on other activities like driving, work, or typing. Check yourself periodically throughout the day to see if you are clenching your teeth.

This habit is harmful to your dental health because it wears away tooth enamel; the constant stress on your teeth erodes this protective barrier, making teeth more vulnerable to cavities and tooth sensitivity. Bruxism can also lead to other dental health conditions such as TMJ disorder.

TMJ Disorder Thrives on Stress

This jaw hinge joint complication can be caused by a number of other dental health issues such as misaligned bite and teeth grinding. Stress can also be a catalyst for TMJ disorder because of constant jaw muscle tension. Taking time to ease your stress with activities that relax you may help. Although reducing stress can help alleviate some symptoms of TMJ disorder, many of these subconscious habits are hard to break by simply finding time to relax. (more…)

Periodontist Explains Why Brushing Alone Is Not Enough to Prevent Gum Disease

When it comes to preventive oral care brushing and flossing are major components for keeping gum disease at bay. The American Dental Association recommends brushing at least twice daily with a soft bristled toothbrush and flossing every night. This will disrupt colonies of plaque that build up along the gum line that contribute to periodontal infection. While daily oral hygiene is imperative to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, optimal oral health is not complete without professional care.

What is an oral porphylaxis?

An oral porphylaxis is preventive dental care. This includes dental cleanings for patients who do not have gum disease. The goal of dental cleanings is to prevent oral health problems, such as cavities, tooth loss, and gum disease. Our Encinitas periodontist offers dental cleanings that remove plaque both above and below the gum line. This is especially important for preventing gingival infection near the tooth root, and blocking the creation of periodontal pockets, where bacteria and plaque collect between the teeth and gums. In addition, Dr. Kania can use air abrasion methods to remove tooth stains, or recommend fluoride treatments to fight enamel erosion.  Supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) is provided as a dental cleaning in a patient that has a history of periodontal disease and / or treatment.  Many of our patients require this specialized care.

How often should I have a dental cleaning?

The American Dental Association recommends dental checkups and cleanings every six months. However, you may require therapy with our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Kania every two to three months if you have a higher risk of periodontal disease. At times therapy is alternated between dentist and periodontist.  During these appointments, Dr. Kania can administer site-specific therapy or recommend prescription mouthwashes to help you keep disease at bay. These more frequent cleanings are generally recommended for periodontal patients who have had periodontal treatment, who smoke or use smokeless tobacco, as well as many patients over 40 years old.  (more…)

Our Periodontist’s Patients Have Something to Say

Choosing a dental professional can be daunting. There are several factors to consider that you will not be able to discern until you are in the dental chair. One way to know more about your possible personal experience with our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Kania is to read reviews from our previous patients. Our patient testimonials can tell you more about the personal side of our periodontal care.

Professional Periodontal Care

“Dr. Kania and staff do the most professional work in the most thorough and caring way.  I am so pleased with my periodontal work.  Not only are my gum tissues restored to health, but at the same time I feel part of a healthful community of skilled professionals who are dedicated to the highest standards of work and to the patient’s emotional and physical well-being.  Dr. Kania is that rare doctor who combines knowledge, skill, and empathy in equal doses that make the patient feel truly cared for.  One can do no better than being treated by Dr. Kania and her excellent staff.” –R.M.

At our dental office in Encinitas, we value professionalism and continuing education. A board certified specialist, Dr. Kania completed her residency in periodontology and earned her Doctorate of Medical Science from Harvard School of Dental Medicine. In addition to being a member of multiple professional dental organizations—such as the American Academy of Periodontology, American Academy of Osseointegration, and the International Team for Implantology—Dr. Kania is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and a Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry.

Modern Dental Technology

After having seven dental implants from our periodontal office in Encinitas, Mr. Fisher describes Dr. Kania as “detailed and thorough” in his testimonial video on our website. He also describes our periodontist’s value of innovative technology and his experience with laser periodontal care as “way beyond my expectation.” In an ever-changing field, staying on the cusp of dental technology is imperative for offering the most modern, effective, and comfortable treatments for our patients. We offer laser periodontal therapy as an alternative to more invasive procedures so that our patients can benefit from thorough gum disease treatment with quicker healing time. (more…)

Periodontal Disease Quiz from San Diego Periodontist

Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania challenges you to a quiz, testing your knowledge of gum disease. See how much you know about the symptoms of periodontal disease, treatments for gum disease, and other periodontal facts. You can check your answers by clicking “Read More”.

Q1. What is another name for the beginning stages of gum disease?

A. Periodontitis

B. Gingivitis

C. Cavities

D. None of the above


Q2. Which of the following is a symptom of gingivitis?

A. Deep red or purple gums

B. Swollen or sensitive gums

C. Gum bleeding, especially during brushing

D. All of the above


Q3. Which of the following is a symptom of severe gum disease?

A. Periodontal pockets

B. Tooth loss

C. Chronic bad breath

D. All of the above


Q4. Which of the following may be an effective treatment for periodontal disease?

A. Filling

B. Scaling and root planing

C. Root canal treatment

D. Digital X-rays (more…)

Encinitas Periodontist Answers Laser Periodontal Therapy FAQs

What is laser periodontal therapy?

Laser periodontal therapy is a method used to treat gum disease. Periodontal infections builds up between the teeth and gums, causing separation and creating a space for the bacterial infection to grow. Eventually, continued attachment loss will lead to loose teeth or even tooth loss. To combat periodontitis, our Encinitas periodontist, Dr. Kania uses laser therapy to clean between the teeth and gums and remove infection.

How does laser gum therapy work?

The soft tissue laser is set to a highly specific wavelength to prepare your gums for deep cleaning without using traditional cutting instruments. After cleaning around the tooth root, Dr. Kania will use the laser to essentially “seal” the gum tissue to stop bleeding and block further infection. This crucial step allows for quicker healing than traditional gum surgery.

What are the benefits of laser periodontal treatment?

Dr. Kania may use the LANAP (laser assisted new attachment procedure) protocal to treat gum diseaseLANAP is different from traditional gum disease treatment because there is no cutting or stitching required. Laser gum disease treatment allows for a more comfortable and less invasive procedure than typical gum surgery. Additionally, laser treatment requires less healing time after therapy. In as little as two office visits, our experienced periodontist can treat periodontal disease using laser periodontal therapy techniques.

Is laser gum therapy safe?

Laser periodontal therapy is safe even for patients with HIV, diabetes, and hemophilia. Our Southern California board certified periodontist, Dr. Ann Kania is one of the elite dental specialists certified by the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry. At a consultation with Dr. Kania, she will discuss with you any health concerns, and what you can do for the most successful treatment outcome.  (more…)

Why You Should Visit a Periodontist

Treatment for Gum Disease in Encinitas

When it comes to gum disease treatment and diagnosis, a board-certified periodontist has the experience and knowledge necessary to improve your oral health. A periodontist is a dentist that specializes in the treatment of gum tissue, bone support around teeth and gum diseases.  They are experts in saving teeth.  If you have been diagnosed with gum disease or have risk factors for periodontal infection such as diabetes, you should consider visiting our periodontist in Encinitas.

The Top Five Reasons to Choose Dr. Ann Kania

  1. Dr. Ann Kania holds extensive experience treating and diagnosing periodontal disease. She is a Diplomate with the American Board of Periodontology and completed her residency at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She stays up-to-date with the latest research and innovation in treating gum disease.
  2. Our periodontist has all the necessary equipment to treat all forms of gum disease. Dr. Kania will address the appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs. Although most dentists provide some gum disease treatment, as a periodontist, Dr. Kania can effectively treat even complicated forms of periodontal infection with gentle methods and the latest technology.
  3. Dr. Kania practices conservative periodontology. She utilizes laser gum therapy that diminishes patient discomfort and improves post-procedure healing time. In many cases, lasers are an effective alternative to surgical procedures, especially for patients with dental anxiety.
  4. Our doctor is one of the elite few Southern California periodontists to be certified by the Institute for Advanced Laser Therapy.
  5. Our staff will follow up with your treatment plan and post-operative care. At our dental office in Encinitas, we take a compassionate interest in the health of all of our patients. (more…)