We often prescribe dental sedation for patients who have dental anxiety, as this fear could make it difficult to undergo even minor dental cleaning procedures. Likewise, special needs or even issues like an overactive gag reflex can make dental care a difficult process. With dental sedation, we help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, with little or no memory of the procedure afterward. This is also helpful if you are undergoing more extensive procedures, such as dental implant placement or jawbone grafting. Your time in our office should be a positive experience, and we want to make that happen!
The most common and mild option is nitrous oxide. Sometimes referred to as laughing gas, we will administer this option with a mask over your nose. You inhale the gas and enter a deep state of calm, but remain conscious too. The effects can be adjusted during treatment and end once the procedure does. Since the effects wear off quickly, you drive yourself home or even return to work or school!
If you need a deeper state of calm, we can administer oral sedation through a pill or liquid taken prior to the procedure. You enter a more substantial calm state, with little to no memory of the procedure. However, you are still conscious! The effects will take more time to wear off, so be sure you have a friend or family on hand to bring you home afterward.
The deepest form of calming we have available is administered intravenously. IV allows you to enter a deep sleep-like state. A trained anesthesiologist will be on hand to monitor you throughout the process, and you will have no memory of the procedure. The effects take time to wear off, so you will need someone available to take you home afterward. If you have any questions about our calming medications, or if you want to schedule a visit and use your 2024 dental benefits before they expire at the end of the year, then contact our team today.
Our team is ready to help you enjoy your time in the office with calming medications! To learn more about how we offer a comfortable treatment experience, or to schedule your appointment, give us a call at our office in Encinitas, CA today at 760-642-0711.
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