If you have a problem with periodontal disease that is not being managed properly, tissue damage can weaken support that your teeth depend on and ultimately lead to their losses. As that problem worsens and you lose more teeth, you can experience problems with your appearance as well as your bite function. Over time, you can deal with worsening oral health issues, including the loss of jawbone density.
While problems with periodontal disease extend beyond troubles with tooth loss, the concern around preserving your full smile is certainly understandable. Fortunately, you can count on care from our practice to help you fight harmful bacteria on teeth roots and remove diseased gums. You can also look forward to help if you have already experienced tooth loss!
Implant dentistry provides support for prosthetic teeth that can lead to more comfort and better bite bite support. After tending to active problems with periodontal disease, we can make plans to place the implant in the appropriate position and angle to offer the best support for your restoration. This arrangement mimics the kind of support that natural teeth enjoy from their roots, and it can ensure you feel secure after treatment.
Active problems with poor periodontal health can be managed in different ways. For some patients, the right path forward can be one that uses soft tissue lasers to carefully remove bacteria and infected areas of the gums. We can also look at the advantages to holistic treatments like ozone therapy and PRP therapy to manage bacteria.
Through the support of our practice, you can enjoy help in defending against tooth loss, as well as help to restore an incomplete smile. If you would like to find out more, please call Dr. Kania’s office in Encinitas/San Diego, CA, at (760) 642-0711.
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